With comic con season in full swing (got to love Summer for that!) I thought I’d do the Geeky Girl tag after reading Sarah’s answers on her blog, Raiin Monkey. So without further ado… The Geeky Girl Tag (1) What’s your must-have tech gadget? At the moment it has to be my Samsung Galaxy S7. I use it for everything; taking photos, blogging, keeping in contact with my friends and…
Awards and Tags
Sunshine Blogger Award
I’ve been tagged by Laura of Merkitty for the Sunshine Blogger Award (you can read her answers here). I’m more than happy to take part in this and, I think it’s the first blogger tag I’ve been officially tagged in! Also a great way to get into the swing of things after my break. So let’s get started. Sunshine Blogger Award Rules Thank the blogger who nominated you and link…
The Halloween Tag
Happy Halloween! Tonight I’m celebrating by doing the Halloween tag while donning some Ghostbusters pyjama bottoms and watching some Halloween themed films with my family (and likely some horror films too). I’m hoping we’ll see some trick or treaters as well. If you didn’t know by now Halloween is my favourite holiday, seconded by Christmas. When we were little my sister and I went trick or treating around our village…
The Sunshine Award
So, while I’ve been away, I seemed to have missed being tagged for the Sunshine Award by Karin! Opps! Now, I love memes, quizzes and things, so here goes… 🙂 Sunshine Award Rules You have to post a picture of the Sunshine Award in the blog post. Post 11 random facts about yourself. Answer the 11 questions from the blogger who nominated you. Nominate 11 wonderful bloggers. Write 11 questions…
The Reading Tag
I saw this reading tag on Karen’s blog, ‘Imaginary Karen’, and couldn’t resist answering the questions myself. I love reading so this tag really appealed to me. It’s also my first tag! The Reading Tag Physical book or e-book? Physical book, definitely. I’ve tried using e-readers before and find myself getting eye strain or headaches a lot more. But also, I like owning physical books and showing my collection on…