20 Goals for 2020

  • 2020 Personal Goals Review

    At the start of the last year I set myself a mini bucket list; 20 goals for 2020, and although I started off well, sadly many of them were put on hold due to the worldwide pandemic. And most notably the UK lockdowns and tier systems. Even though when I first wrote then they were all achievable, I quickly found out it would be hard to achieve them all. 1…

  • 2020 Goals Update

    The first few months of the year started off well for me and I was feeling pretty positive about the year ahead. I was luckily enough to see one of my favourite bands – Slipknot – in concert at the end of January. And enjoyed a bunch of day trips in February and March too, including Crocodiles of the World and a ride on the Cheltenham ferris wheel – which…

  • 20 Goals for 2020 (A Mini Bucket List)

    Happy New Year! I hope Santa brought you everything you wished for and you all had a well deserved break. Typically I’ve started off the New Year with another cold which is exactly how I went into 2019. 🤧 But unlike 2019 (and the past few years to be honest), I’ve decided to set myself 20 goals for 2020. This has been greatly inspired by Britt who shared her 2020…