
  • Hallowhedon | UK Joss Whedon Convention

    I know it’s been a while since my last update. I’ve been focusing on getting well so blogging took a bit of a back seat. But I am happy to say that speech therapy has really helped and I’m more or less, talking normally again. There are still a few days I struggle if my throat is particularly dry however. And I have damaged my high vocal cords, meaning I…

  • Laryngitis Treatment - My Experience with Speech therapy

    Laryngitis Treatment – My Experience with Speech Therapy

    Hey there, for those of you that aren’t aware, I have been suffering from chronic laryngitis since May and was referred to an ear, nose and throat specialist. Which is why things have been so quiet around here lately(!) and probably will be for the foreseeable future. As well as seeing a specialist, my doctor has also recently referred me to speech therapy. The specialist I saw couldn’t find anything…

  • Mug with orange throat remedy - chronic laryngitis wording

    Coping with Chronic Laryngitis | Treatments & Diagnosis

    Hey there! It’s been a while since my last post about my 21st birthday. I’ve been very unwell recently, so blogging took a bit of a back seat this month. At first, it started with a cold then developed into sinusitis and laryngitis, thankfully the sinusitis cleared up with antibiotics. My laryngitis, however, is getting progressively worse. I have very little voice and some days no voice at all. It’s…

  • 21st birthday badge

    My 21st Birthday Staycation

    After my parents threw me a party for my 18th, I knew I wanted something a bit more relaxed to celebrate my 21st birthday. Don’t get me wrong I’m very thankful to them for throwing the party for me and I especially loved my Buffy cake(!). 😉 But wanted a more chilled 21st. Especially as I haven’t been feeling too well lately. As luck would have it my Auntie Val…

  • Faith Buffy the Vampire Slayer tattoo

    My First Tattoo Experience

    As it’s coming up to my 21st birthday I’ve been thinking about tattoos. I marked my 18th birthday with my first (and only) tattoo and I’ve been thinking about adding to it to celebrate my 21st at the start of May. Since my tattoo is related to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I was thinking another Joss Whedon show would be a good addition? But while I’m busy thinking of ideas,…

  • Chilean Rose Tarantula

    Meet Hermy (My Pet Tarantula)

    TRIGGER WARNING: This post contains photos of my pet tarantula, Hermy. Yes, you read that correctly, I have a pet tarantula! In my previous post, I very briefly mentioned about our exotic pets but neglected to mention what type of animals they were! Sorry about that. We currently have 4 Great African Land Snails (Brian, Swirly, Gary and Slug-a-lug) who’ve been with us four years and a pet tarantula named…

  • Dream meanings

    Teeth Falling Out Dream Meanings and Interpretations

    Have you ever woken up from a particularly strange, or even horrific, dream and wondered what it could mean? Me too. Which is why I’ll often write them down and try to interpret them. It’s something I’ve always been curious about; ever since I read about dreams in an old ‘Mind, Body and Spirit’ magazine as a teenager. That’s not to say I necessarily believe in dream meanings, but certainly,…

  • Chimmyville round logo

    Welcome to Chimmyville – My Little Home on the Web

    Hey there and welcome to Chimmyville, my new blog! If you’re here from the Q-Bee (pixel trading club) and would like to trade patches, please contact me. I’m still getting my new quilt up and running. 😊 If you’re new here, hi! My name is Kim, and I’m a lifestyle blogger from The Cotswolds (England) where I live with my parents and a few exotic pets. I’m in my early…

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