
  • 10 Bookish Questions Tag

    I was kindly tagged to answer the 10 Bookish Questions tag – and as reading is one of my favourite passtimes, I couldn’t say know. I’ve also always enjoyed answering tags so this one is pretty perfect for me. So, without further ado… The 10 Bookish Questions Tag 1. How many books do you currently own? Far too many to count! I have two bookcases full of books and more…

  • World Book Day Stationery Supplies

    Celebrating World Book Day with Viking *

    AD, GIFTED | The 5th March is World Book Day and this year I’m celebrating it with the help of Viking*, one of the largest stationery suppliers in the world. Who’ve kindly sent me a box full of stationery goodies to create some book-ish crafts with. Their challenge? To celebrate your favourite books, stories and characters, using the pages from old books. The idea is to give the books a…

  • Favourite childhood books

    Today is Roald Dahl day where we celebrate the life and work of this talented author. In tribute I thought I’d share my favourite childhood books with you. Of course there are a couple of Roald Dahl stories in here. Roald Dahl day 2018 focuses on James and the Giant Peach which was his first children’s book. It’s a wonderful story and one of my favourite book to screen adaptations.…