New Year

  • How to Maintain Your Fitness Goals

    AD | Hands up how many of you set fitness goals this year? ✋ … OK, now hands up who hasn’t stuck to them? 🙄 Yep, me too. Even though I started off well with my fitness goals in January and added more yoga and home workouts into my daily routines. I’ve lost track of it recently, which is easily done. We all have so many other commitments to fit…

  • Reflecting on the Past Decade (2010-2019)

    A lot has happened this past decade and quite honestly, I can’t believe how quickly it’s gone by. As cliche as that sounds! It’s hard to believe that I’ve lived long enough to see four decades pass me by, late and I’m only in my early 30s. Like most years, there have been a lot of ups and downs over the past decade, and especially within the past few years.…

  • Reflecting on 2018

    I’d like to take the time to wish everyone a Happy New Year and hope you have a lovely start to 2019… I’m currently getting over the flu that I caught after Boxing Day. 🙁 But, before the clock strikes midnight, I wanted to reflect on the year I’ve had, both the good and the bad. Side note: I wasn’t sure whether to publish this post when I first started…

  • Christmas celebrations 2012

    It’s been a busy few months for me, getting ready for Christmas, working a lot (we have two new staff members in our department, a lot of changes and training going on), spending time with my family and house hunting! House hunting has been an ongoing task at the moment – Artur and I are looking at moving home early in the year after being in a rented property since…