Favourite things to do on a snowy day
The first snow fall of the season always seems so magical to me. It reminds of childhood snow days where we’d build snowmen, make snow angels and have a snowball fight with our friends. Even as an adult I enjoy watching the snowfall from my office window and feeling childlike excitement when it settles on the ground. I don’t like it so much when I have to drive home in it though.
But with the temperature hitting below freezing and snow covering much of the UK this week. I’ve been thinking about my favourite things to do on a snowy day and, unlike rainy days, I usually can’t wait to get outside and enjoy the snowy weather.

Favourite things to do on a snowy day.
Build a snowman
Top of the list and an obvious choice but is there really anything better than wrapping up warm, getting outside and building a snowman?
Snow ball fights
Grab a few friends or family members and have fun together. Just make sure not to through any snow balls with ice in them – ouch!
Snow angels
Lying flat in the snow, swaying your arms and legs around may seem childish, but there’s something so satisfying about it.
Hot drinks
If it’s open, pop to your favourite coffee shop and enjoy a hot drink. Either sit inside and watch the world pass you buy or get a takeaway cup and enjoy a walk.
Walks in the snow
Growing up in the countryside we used to take frequent walks in the snow. Yes, it was cold but everything just seems more beautiful covered in snow.
Taking photos
While you’re walking in the snow, why not stop and take some photos of the picturesque scenery or views from your bedroom window?

Pamper session
After a long walk in the cold, it’s the perfect excuse to enjoy a long relaxing bubble bath or hop in the shower. So grab your favourite bath or shower products, perhaps pop on a face mash and, do something nice for you.
Watching the snow fall
If you’re not a fan of cold weather or going out in the snow is far from your idea of fun. You can also enjoy the snow from the comfort of your own home by watching the snow fall, with a hot drink and cuddled up under a blanket.
Have a movie marathon or Netflix binge
Speaking of blankets, there’s nothing better than curling up on the sofa when it’s cold outside. So stick on one of your old favourites or find something new to watch and enjoy.
If watching TV isn’t for you, how about finishing that book you’ve been meaning to or get out your favourite game (board game or video game).
Order in
Everything seems to grind to a hault when we have even an inch of snow in the UK. A lot of shops are closed or close early, so it’s a good excuse for a treat and what better than your favourite takeaway?
Get creative
Whether you enjoy adult colouring, love to draw, do paper crafts such as origami or are a whizz in the kitchen. Spend your time indoors doing something creative or learning something new such as knitting or crochet.
Excercise your mind
From jigsaw puzzles to puzzle books, like suduko or crosswords. Spend some time exercising your mind, it’s easy to get lost in these activities (if you enjoy them) and they can also be therapeutic.
What’s your favourite way to spend a snowy day? Let me know in the comments. π
Jordanne / Ofaglasgowgirl
February 28, 2019 at 19:01
Great list of things to do on a Snow day! I am not a big fan of the snow when I have things to do like college etc.. but if there is nothing planned I could play in the snow all day. I love watching it fall and the excitement in little bears eyes at the possibility of getting to build a snow man or have a snow ball fight.
Jordanne // Thelifeofaglasgowgirl.co.uk
February 18, 2019 at 18:45
The snow looks so pretty! There is so much! The last lot of proper snow we had was last year and it got a bit icy too. So walking to work took AGES. But it also meant I could take photos and enjoy it! If we had a proper snow day here I would love to go out take photographs, take walks and build snowmen! Thank you for sharing these ideas! Xx
February 18, 2019 at 22:36
Thanks for your comment Lauren. I remember the snow we had last year, it seemed to last all week and was lethal to walk on when it turned to ice! Thanks for your comment. x
Lisa McLachlan
February 17, 2019 at 21:51
I actually loathe being out in the snow, I’m such a Grinch! Flora and Alan go sledging (well, she sledges, he has to pull it back up the hill) and she loves building snow creatures and snowball fights. I’m far more about snuggling up with a cosy blanket, hot chocolate and warm cat and just watching it fall from the comfort and warmth of my living room, haha π Lovely post, Kim, some great snow day ideas for next time!
Lisa | http://www.lisasnotebook.com
February 18, 2019 at 22:25
Haha, I’ve actually never been sledging but it does sound like fun. Especially get someone else to pull the sledge back up. π Snuggling up with a blanket and hot chocolate with your cat sounds perfect to me! x
Jenny in Neverland
February 8, 2019 at 10:59
You’re so lucky that you had some decent snow last week when it was really cold! We were promised snow… But we got a light dusting and that’s about it. I know it can be a pain but I LOVE snow it’s so beautiful. I love taking photos of it too.
Last year, when we had those Beasts from the East, I remember doing Yoga in my living room by the big French windows with the snow falling, it was so peaceful!
February 12, 2019 at 17:34
Aw, wow. Doing yoga while seeing the snow falling from your window sounds heavnly. π
February 5, 2019 at 03:57
Love this post!!
We have had some *frigid* temps here in Columbus, OH in the US this past week.
Pamper sessions are my favorite thing to do in the snowy weather and I certainly did just that this past weekend!
February 6, 2019 at 12:02
Thanks Tiffany. π I think a snow day is the perfect excuse to pamper yourself.
Britt K
February 4, 2019 at 15:48
I love taking the pups for a good long walk in the snow – it looks beautiful and seeing them love it (they truly do) makes it even more enjoyable to me!
Britt | http://alternativelyspeaking.ca
February 4, 2019 at 17:19
Aw, that sounds so sweet. I can imagine them running about and playing in the snow. πΆββ
Sophie Wentworth
February 3, 2019 at 23:31
I love this! I still really love snow, both looking at how pretty it is when I’m inside and being outside in it. Most people hate it when they get older and just complain about it slowing down traffic or whatever but my inner 5 year old still gets so excited when I see it forecast. I live by the sea so sadly it doesn’t tend to hang around long if we ever get any x
February 4, 2019 at 17:14
I’m glad I’ve found another adult snow lover! Most people moan about it so much but they also moan if we don’t get any. Thanks for your comment lovely. x
February 3, 2019 at 13:01
Ordering food, Netflix and taking photos! All my favourite things to do when it snows. β₯οΈ
I loved snow as a kid, but Iβd much rather watch it from the warmth of my living room than go out in it! I guess Iβm getting old now! Haha.
Thanks so much for sharing this post!
Fran x
February 3, 2019 at 13:03
I haven’t been out in it much, yet. Except for taking some photos from my garden. We ended up ordering a pizza (cheese less for me) and watched a couple of films. Thanks for your comment. x
February 2, 2019 at 10:04
Used to watch movies or go skiing, but since becoming a parents it’s all about snow angels, snow fight and snowman π
February 2, 2019 at 10:08
Haha, I think most kids love playing out in the snow like that. Thanks for your comment.