Snowboarding at the Gloucester Ski and Snowboarding Centre
This evening Ryan, his brother, his sister-in-law, a couple of friends and I had our first snowboarding lesson at
The Ski and Snowboarding Centre in Gloucester – which is a dry slope, meaning no snow but it was very wet due to a downpour.
I’m proud to say we all successfully completed level 1 and the first part of level 2. It was an amazing experience, even if we did spend a lot of it falling on our bums!!
In level 1 we learnt how to move the board with our dominant foot, how to hike up the hill and starting off from a quarter of the way up. We had three goes, one leaning slightly forward, one leaning up the hill and one leaning down the hill – the latter made us go the fastest. After we’d all had a go with the instructor we were able to have a go by ourselves. It’s very difficult trying to keep the board from sliding underneath you while you put the other foot on it!
Ryan got the nickname Britney as he kept sticking his bum out! Haha.
In level 2, we went up the ski lift and got off halfway up the slope. Strapped both feet into the board and learnt the basics of slowing down by lifting our toes up and trying to stop. We did we this with the instructor holding our hands for balance and in the second part of level 2 we’ll go on to attempt this solo! Which I think we’ll be trying in a few weeks.
Our instructor was fantastic, really patient with all of us and had a great sense of humour. I’m hoping we’ll get him as our instructor for level 2 part 2 and as we progress to level 3.
I’m really glad I wore waterproof trousers as it was raining throughout of the lesson, we all had very damp bums by the end of the evening.
I really enjoyed the experience.

February 4, 2017 at 21:21
That sounds so amazing! It’s so great that you managed to learn so much! Glad to hear you had fun.
We were supposed to be going to Chill Factore in Manchester next week (which is also a skiing/snowboarding centre), but they don’t have rental shoes in Andy’s size so we’ve ended up cancelling. I think I’d be watching anyway – not sure I’d be brave enough to do it!
February 2, 2017 at 02:26
That’s totally an awesome experience! Keep having fun!