Spring Self Care Ideas

Spring is here! 🌸 The warmer weather is (hopefully) arriving, the days are getting longer, and our local parks are full of beautiful blooms. I honestly can’t wait to go on some Springtime walks very soon! But while it’s certainly one of my favourite times of year, my self care is always a little lapse in the Spring. Perhaps it’s because the days feel a little less cosy? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Orange / Yellow sunset over field

Although, we do get to enjoy beautiful sunsets like this. ⬆️⬆️

This year however, I’m going to be focusing on myself a little more, and revamping my own self care routine each season. Whether that’s practicing yoga everyday, ticking something off my to-do list, or simply getting a good nights sleep! With the in mind, I’d like to share a few of my favourite self care ideas for Spring with you. In hope that it gives you some inspiration for your own routines. 😊

Spring Self Care Ideas

Spring Cleaning

Taking some time out to declutter or clean your home can be a great way start off the new season. Whether it’s decluttering your wardrobe, cleaning out your kitchen cupboards, or giving your house a deep spring clean. It’s a great way to give yourself a fresh start.

Of course, you don’t need to wait until spring cleaning season to declutter! In fact, I personally declutter every few months, or at the start of each season. It’s a great way to refresh for the year ahead.

Declutter Your Life

After spring cleaning your home, why not consider spring cleaning other areas of your life too? Clear out your inbox, remove any apps you no longer use. Or perhaps have never used(?), say goodbye to toxic relationships, and review your schedule or to-do lists. You may even find activities that you no longer do, or enjoy. If that’s the case think about what activities you do enjoy now and replace them with those.

Try Spring Photography

Spring is one of my favourite seasons for nature photography. I love going out for Springtime walks, seeing the flowers begin to bloom, and seeing local wildlife coming out of Winter hibernation.

Shrew in grass
This little guy came right up to us and nibbled my shoe lace. πŸ˜…

You don’t need to have an incredible camera either! I usually use my phone camera with a macro lens for close ups.

Learn Something New

Spring is the perfect time to learn something new. Whether that’s a new hobby, such as cross stitch, learning a new language, or even picking up something you used to enjoy. It’s not only a great way to unwind, but also gives you something else to focus on.

Buy Some Flowers For A Loved One (Or Yourself)

Flowers can be the perfect pick-me-up for springtime (or any time of year to be honest!). They make your home look so much nicer and have great mental health benefits too. Whether your buying flower for a birthday, special occasion, or just a gift to say thank you! A small bouquet is a great way to show someone you care. 😊 You could even buy one for yourself – because you certainly deserve it.

Do Some Themed Baking/Crafts

With Easter just around the corner it’s the perfect time to try out some Easter themed baking or crafts. You could try some classic cornflake nests, sugar cookies, or an indulgent cheesecake! For crafts you could try dying eggs, putting together an Easter basket for a loved one, or making decorations.

Even if you don’t celebrate Easter you could still try some regular crafts or baking this Spring. It can be a great way to spend a rainy afternoon, and also a fun activity for all the family to enjoy.

Get Outside

It’s well known that getting outside, especially in nature, is a great way to improve mental health. Whether that’s a walk around your local park, visiting a rboretum or national Trust site (such as Westonbirt Arboretum), or simply spending time in your own garden. It doesn’t matter, as long as you’re getting some much needed fresh air.

You could even take advantage of
the warmer weather by having a picnic in the park, or taking your morning coffee out on the patio. If you’re a gardener think about preparing your garden for the Spring season. For us that always start with weeding! πŸ™„

Another great option is to try stargazing which is something I enjoyed doing last year – there are many apps and websites on there to help you identify the constellations.

Make Plans With Your Loved Ones

Although self care is often a solitary experience, it’s important to nurture your personal relationships too. Lucikly many of the items on this list can also be shared with a friend or family member. So why not reach out to them, catch up, and simply enjoy each other’s company.

At Home Spa Day

One of my favourite ways to unwind after a long day is with a relaxing bubble bath. Complete with candles, my favourite music, and maybe a Lush Cosmetics product or too. But that’s not the only way to pamper yourself and recharge. You could also use a face mask, essential oils, paint your nails, or even curl up with a good book. It’s all about doing what feels good for you.

What are your favourite self care activities for Spring? Let me know in the comments.

This month the Blog Brew Collab has had a makeover, with a brand new logo, and name – introducing the Lifestyle Ladies Blog Collab!

The Lifestyle Ladies Blog Collab is a collaboration between myself and 7 other bloggers. Every month we write a post relating to the collab on our own blogs.

This month our theme is Spring.🌸


  • Nic | Nic’s Adventures & Bakes

    April 3, 2021 at 20:42

    Thanks for sharing, these ideas, I think getting out for a walk is always welcomed at this time of year πŸ™‚

  • Kathleen Howell

    March 28, 2021 at 20:37

    Definitely spring cleaning and we’ve also geared up on some home improvement projects that were pending until spring! It’s exciting to get those done. I’ve really taken to decluttering.. Amazing the difference it makes for your soul. <3

  • Haley Scully

    March 27, 2021 at 04:58

    These are such wonderful ideas for self care! I really love the idea of spring cleaning and doing themed crafts! An important part of self care for me is playing video games, which I hope to make more time for this spring. Your photos are so gorgeous, too! Thank you for sharing this!! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’–

  • Jenna

    March 26, 2021 at 21:45

    Great ideas! I’ve been doing a decluttering challenge during Lent and absolutely love it – such a great way to clear my apartment of unneeded stuff.
    Jenna β™₯
    Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin

  • Beth

    March 26, 2021 at 17:59

    I have been doing so much spring cleaning, getting rid of stuff I never even knew I had haha. Agree with decluttering you life too, i need that lol x

  • Karalee Shotola

    March 26, 2021 at 11:50

    These are all great ideas & I need to do a spring cleaning of my apartment! Spring is my favorite season to take photos too & I love your photos!
    I’m also starting Danish classes next month & I love having a weekly pamper night!

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