
  • How I Stay Organised Working From Home

    The Covid-19 pandemic has seen an influx of people working from home, myself included. Although, for me, I’ve mostly been hybrid (office / home) working lately. Still, it’s been hard to transition, and I think many of us can relate to that. Including those who are currently furloughed or home schooling their children. Life has changed and there’s a huge uncertainty of when things will be back to normal. Which…

  • Decluttering your home before a move

    When I moved back in with my parents I knew things would be different; I was going from a two bedroom flat to a single bedroom and, suffice to say, space was an issue. I had to make some decisions – what to keep, what to donate and what to put into storage. Decluttering your home (especially before a move) can be overwhelming so I started with the items I…

  • Jewellery Organisation + My Favourite Pieces

    With the wet and windy weather we’ve been having lately, I’ve been doing more indoor activities. Last week I tackled a few kitchen cupboards and this weekend I sat down for some, much needed, jewellery organisation. As I’ve accumulated a lot of jewellery over the years! I had an obsession with rings and bracelets as a teenager and hung on to many of them. Even after they no longer fit…

  • Creating our home gym

    I’ve been working on my daily routines this past year including improve my sleep schedule and morning routine. I have also been making an effort to eat healthier and exercise more. In the Summer months I threw on my work out gear and went for a run around our neighbourhood or made use of outdoor gyms. I also completed my first 5km race and a muddy obstacle race for charity.…

  • Monthly budget and finance recording

    We reviewed our finances recently and set ourselves a monthly budget; my aim is to be debt free (student loan, credit cards) in 12 – 19 months and we’ve talked about starting to save for a house deposit afterwards. I’ve previously spoken about some of the things I do to help budget (see my food shopping on a budget, clothes shopping on a budget and budgeting posts), which I still…

  • DVD Organisation

    I’m a DVD/Blu Ray collector. I like to own physical media over electronic copies of anything, including books and music. However, my growing collection has taken over the living room. Here’s one of our bookcases – the tidiest one! Problem is, even though our bookcases are generally tidy. I can never find the DVD or Blu Ray I want to watch. There’s no organisation. When we moved into this house,…

  • Bake Ware Organisation – The ‘Equipment’

    Remember when I said I was sorting through my bake ware and that I started by organising the ‘supply’ cupboard? I made the decision to stop procrastinating and get on with organising the ‘equipment’ cupboard as well. 🙂 Here’s what it looked like before: I took everything out and started grouping like items on the kitchen work tops together as follows: Party supplies Pans and tins Cupcake cases Cupcake decorating…

  • Bake Ware Organisation – The “Supply” Cupboard

    I made the decision to go through my bake ware cupboard(s) – I have one home to various moulds, pans, nozzles etc, my “tools” and one for the ingredients and a mass amount of sprinkles! – First: This isn’t the first time I’ve gone through it. Last time, I finished having a bag full of “tools” that I had never used for donating. But, even after doing that, my bake…

  • Wardrobe Organisation and Starter Shopping List

    I’ve been meaning to sort through my wardrobe(s) and chest of drawers for some time now. They’re full of clothing I no longer wear for a number of reasons and items (such as board games!) that should really have a home elsewhere. Today I decided enough procrastinating/excuses and to actually make a start! First I took everything out of my wardrobes and my chest of drawers and dumped on my…