Lifestyle Goals For 2012

Happy New Year! 🙂 I hope everyone had a great Christmas. Ours was fairly quiet – we had Christmas Day and Boxing Day at my parents, exchanged gifts, and ate way too much food! So the usual then, lol… Doesn’t everyone over indulge at Christmas though?

Like previous years, I decided to start the year off by writing down my goals for the coming year, although some of these won’t necessarily be completed within 2012 as they’re more long term goals.

2012 Goal Setting

Cook and Bake more often

I have baked a few novelty cakes and some classic recipes, like a Victoria Sponge, but would like to try other baked goods. I’d also like to learn to cook. I can cook fairly simple recipes, such as spaghetti bolognaise but would like to learn more dishes. I I’ve also started eating healthier since joining Weight Watchers, which brings me to my next goal…

Eat healthier and reach my goal weight

My partner’s sister set a 2012 challenge to better yourself and one of my goals for 2012 is to reach my goal weight.

I joined Weight Watchers at the end of January so it’s still fairly new to me. At the moment I’m losing consistently and lost 4lbs in my first week! I’m told this is normal as your body gets used to the smaller portion size and healthier diet. Although I’ve set a goal weight, I haven’t yet decided when I would like to be there. This year would be great and is definitely achievable if I stay on track and follow the plan.

My mum is also a Weight Watchers member and convinced me to go along to a meeting with her, not to join, just to listen to the leader and see how I felt afterwards. I joined the next week! One of my main “non scale” goals with joining weight watchers is to eat healthier and be more active.

I found the Weight Watchers leader very inspiring which was one of the main reasons for joining. I’m hoping losing weight may help my self confidence as well.

Wear more skirts and dresses

This one is my friends’ influences, she’s always getting me to try on new things when we go out shopping, that I wouldn’t normally look at or choose for myself. I own a bunch of skirts and dresses and hope to wear them more often—I started to last year—lets see if it continues. 😛

Save money!

I used to be really good at saving money, I’ve lost that and would like to get back to it.

Go to more conventions

I love going to conventions, I love the atmosphere, I love the buzz and I love meeting up with the friends I’ve made. My plan is to go to more of these—they help with my confidence.


I’ve not been on holiday since my second trip to Sweden—which was in 2008! My plans for the year so far are Germany (to a convention) in June and to visit my Auntie Val in America in September.

I’ll post a review on how I’ve got on at mid year. 🙂

What goals do you have this year? Have you ever been to a Weight Watchers meeting?

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