2011 Blogging Goals Review

Merry Belated Christmas everyone! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas, however, you spent it, and are now enjoying the post-Christmas holidays. I’m off work for 10 days myself, and have been crazy busy this week from sale shopping to visiting family members, and even catching up with some work on my blog. Including working on my 2011 blogging goals!

But while I’m having some time off, I know some of you will still be working at the moment and only have a little break, if at all. I feel for you! I used to work in retail so I know what the Christmas and New Year period can be like. Hang in there. Grit your teeth if you get rude customer’s. And try to relax and unwind at home whenever you can.

At the start of the year, I set myself some blogging goals. In fact, I’ve been working on a couple of new header images for my blog which you can see below. Both are for a purple WordPress theme I’ve been working on for my new launch. πŸ™‚



2011 Goals Review

At the beginning of the year, I set some goals for myself and although I didn’t get a chance to review them periodically here. But I wanted to do a round-up of my end of year progress.

So, here’s a reminder of the goals I set myself this year.

1. Blog more than once a month, which is something I’ve really struggled with in previous years.

  • Goal Met: Sadly, no. I only blogged 5 months out of 12! Which although this is an increase on 2010, is still something I’d like to take into 2012. It’s worth noting that some of these months had more than one post though.

2. Look at switching my blog from Fanupdate to WordPress. Think about whether I want to move old posts and comments over.

  • Goal Met: Another no, unfortunately. πŸ™ There isn’t an easy way to transfer my old blog posts and comments over from Fanupdate to WordPress so I’m having to add them in manually. This is taking a lot longer than expected! So while the goal hasn’t been met, I had made some progress with this one, including the new theme I mentioned above πŸ˜€

3. Review categories for posts.

  • Goal Met: I put this goal ‘on hold’ until I’ve finished transferring my content over to WordPress.

4. Start an events page or calendar so I can keep you all updated on conventions or events I’m attending this year.

  • Goal Met: Another no! πŸ™ Honestly, this one has also been put ‘on hold’ until I’ve finished transferring to WordPress as well.

So, not too good! But most of my 2011 goals were dependant on getting to grips with WordPress which I’m hoping to have finalised early next year. πŸ™‚

I hope everyone has a great start to the New Year however you’re spending it, ours will be very quiet.

Did you set yourself any goals for 2011? How did you get on with yours? Let me know in the comments.

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