The Doctor Who Tag

Today is Doctor Who Day! Also known as TARDIS Day, which celebrates the day Doctor Who first aired on the BBC, back in 1963. Since Doctor Who is one of my favourite TV shows, I wanted to mark the occasion on my blog in someway and thought what better than answering The Doctor Who tag?

I first stumbled upon The Doctor Who tag on Cassie’s blog Zombie Goddess Beauty (you can read her answers here), and as a lover of all things ‘Whovian’ I couldn’t wait to answer the questions for myself.

So without further ado…

The Doctor Who tag

1.) Who is your Favorite Doctor?

I grew up watching Sylvester McCoy as a kid so he’s always been my favourite Doctor. However if we’re solely talking about the new series, it has to be David Tennant.

2.) Who is your favorite Companion?

Amy and Rory had such a great dynamic with the doctor that it has to be them.

3.) Who is your favorite recurring villain? (Ex: Daleks, Angels, Cybermen, ect.)

It has to be the Daleks for me. I always get a wave of childhood excitement when they appear in an episode.

4.) What is your favorite episode? (Or episodes, so many 2 parters!)

There have been so many great episodes over the years from The Empty Child to End of Days and The Impossible Astronaut. But for me it has to be the 50th anniversary episode. The 10th and 11th Doctors worked so well together on screen, and I loved the introduction of John Hurt’s War Doctor.

5.) Where did you start watching? (The new series starting with 9 or the original series with Doctors 1-8.)

I watched Sylvestor McCoy’s episodes as the Doctor first when I was little, along with a handful of Tom Baker ones.

6.) How long have you been watching Doctor Who?

Since the early 90s.


What would you call the new series? A continuation or a reboot? (series

meaning all of the new episodes as a whole starting with 9 to now.)

Definitely a continuation.

8.) How would you explain Doctor Who to someone who has never seen an episode?

It’s about a mad man in a blue police box, a time traveller from the ancient planet of Gallifrey. He can go anywhere in time and space but spends a lot of his time in our timeline on our planet. Oh, and he’s also an alien.

9.) If you met The Doctor and he said he would take you anywhere in time and space, where would you want to go first?

Honestly? I’d want to go to Skaro (the Dalek home world) or to help the Doctor find Gallifrey.

10.) Bowties or Converse?

Both, obviously.

11.) Fezzes or 3-D Glasses?


12.) What do you think of Peter as the new Doctor?

It took me a while to get used to Peter as the new Doctor but I ended up loving him, especially his storylines with Clara and River. I was sad when he regenerated but have enjoyed seeing what Jodie has brought to the character so far.

Do you like Doctor Who? Who (or what) are some of your favourite characters and episodes?


  • Winter Memorabilia Show Birmingham, November 2010 – Chimmyville

    June 18, 2020 at 21:27

    […] in time for The Entertainment Media Show and Collectormania London where I’m hoping to meet Doctor Who‘s Sylvester McCoy and Stargate‘s Christopher […]

  • Nic | Nic’s Adventures & Bakes

    December 27, 2019 at 21:53

    Great post! I’m a big Doctor Who fa, what do you think of the 13th doctor, I’m slowly liking her, but 10 is still my favourite 🙂

    Would like to do this tag 🙂

  • Lauren

    December 2, 2019 at 20:57

    Okay, so I have NEVER watched an episode of Doctor Who 😂🙈. To be honest I never thought it would be my cup of tea, but maybe after reading this I should try and give it a go! Xx

  • Karalee Shotola

    December 2, 2019 at 00:25

    My parents love Doctor Who & they got me to watch it lol so I started w/ Christopher Eccleston. My favorite companion is Rose & I liked The End of the World episode

  • Jenny in Neverland

    November 28, 2019 at 10:31

    I’ve never seen a single episode of Doctor Who but I think I’d really enjoy it! I’m a bit overwhelmed of where to start though tbh! x

  • Lisa

    November 28, 2019 at 09:24

    Ah, I remember watching Doctor Who when I was a child and hiding behind the sofa when those gigantic spiders appeared – scarred for life, haha. I didn’t know there was a Doctor Who day though, what a fun tag 🙂 Lisa x

  • Sophie Naylor

    November 27, 2019 at 20:17

    I loved these answers! I haven’t watched Dr Who for years but I absolutely loved it as a kid. 🙂

    Soph – x

  • Sophie Wentworth

    November 26, 2019 at 22:41

    I’ve never watched Doctor Who so I’d be rubbish at this but I found your description hilarious. I didn’t know Doctor Who day was a thing, nice post to mark the occasion x


  • Charles

    November 23, 2019 at 22:56

    I used to watch the odd episode in the McCoy era of Who, always remember distinctly the high school episode with the Daleks at the bottom of the stairs, such a cliffhanger!

    Of the recent Who’s I probably enjoyed 10? Tennant the most and his final episode/regeneration sequence was so bittersweet. Matt Smith, pass, had an edge at times but not my favourite. Really enjoyed Peter in his first season but not so much the crazy haired guitar playing persona.

    Always enjoyed his monologues, ,the two parter speech on the futility of war and the raven sequence were amazing. So yeah, bigger Who fan than I thought, great tag.

  • Caz / InvisiblyMe

    November 23, 2019 at 12:31

    Hahah I love your explanation of it, sums it up very well in just 2 lines!
    Is now a bad time to say I hate Doctor Who? 😂
    Caz xx

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