
  • The Couples Tag | Celebrating Our 6 Year Anniversary

    Since today is my mine and my fiancés 6 year anniversary (crazy!) I thought it’d be fun to do The Couples Tag, which I first saw on Beauty and the Bookshelves, as a small way to celebrate our anniversary on my blog. 🥳 The Couples Tag 1.) Where did we meet? Aaron: Pub. Me: Through a mutual friend at the pub. 2.) Where was our first date? Aaron: Bristol Me:…

  • Meet Ekans (My Lavender Corn Snake)

    TW: Snakes 🐍 Introducing Ekans, My Lavender Corn Snake Ekans has been part of our family for over a year now and I honestly couldn’t be happier! She’s quite a character and it’s nice to watch her slither around her enclosure. Although, she’d much prefer I let her escape and explore our living room a bit more, haha. Of course, there is a chance she can bite, but they don’t…

  • The Lord of the Rings Tag | Celebrating 20 Years of The Fellowship

    The 10th December 2021, marks 20 years(!) since the premiere of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring at the Odeon Leicester Square in London…That makes me feel old, lol! 😅 I was 13 when the first movie was released and have such fond memories of seeing the trilogy with my family. Even if my sister did fall asleep in the cinema. 😉 So, I thought it…

  • Colin Baker at Memorabilia show 2009

    What to expect at MCM Birmingham Comic Con

    The MCM Comic Con and Memorabilia show in Birmingham has always been one of the convention highlights for me. In fact, their 2009 show was my first time at a comic-con style convention. Although I had been to a similar event a few months before; Dalek Invasion. A small scale Doctor Who convention at the Yeovilton Fleet Air Museum. It was full of Doctor Who merchandise, prop displays, and even…

  • How to Be More Eco-Friendly at Home | Earth Day 2021

    April 22nd is Earth Day and throughout this week have been talking about how we can help recover our planet. From tackling climate and environmental issues, continuing reforestation efforts, hosting worldwide clean-ups, and more. So it’s the perfect opportunity to rethink our habits at home and try to be more eco-friendly in our day-to-day lives. With that in mind, I’d like to share a few small things you can…

  • Spring Self Care Ideas

    Spring is here! 🌸 The warmer weather is (hopefully) arriving, the days are getting longer, and our local parks are full of beautiful blooms. I honestly can’t wait to go on some Springtime walks very soon! But while it’s certainly one of my favourite times of year, my self care is always a little lapse in the Spring. Perhaps it’s because the days feel a little less cosy? 🤷‍♀️ Although,…

  • My Favourite Book to Movie Adaptations: World Book Day 2021

    Today, is World Book Day, and this year I’m celebrating by sharing my favourite book to movie adaptations. While I do love reading, there’s also something special about seeing your favourite characters and stories come to life on big (movie) screen. While World Book Day is primarily dedicated to encouraging young people to read, it’s also a chance to celebrate authors, illustrators, books and (most importantly) reading. In fact, it’s…

  • Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day at Home

    Valentine’s Day is right around the corner which for many means a day dedicated to celebrating your loved ones. Whether that means going out for dinner, watching the latest movie, or maybe even letting your hair down at a singles night with your friends. It’s the perfect opportunity to show your loved ones you care – not that you should wait for this one day a year, of course! There’s…

  • 2020 Personal Goals Review

    At the start of the last year I set myself a mini bucket list; 20 goals for 2020, and although I started off well, sadly many of them were put on hold due to the worldwide pandemic. And most notably the UK lockdowns and tier systems. Even though when I first wrote then they were all achievable, I quickly found out it would be hard to achieve them all. 1…

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