
  • How Flowers Can Improve Our Mental Health ft. The Flower Shops *

    AD, Gifted | It’s well known that getting outside, especially in nature, is a great way to improve our mental health. In fact, research has shown that people who surround themselves with flowers, and other forms of natural beauty, – both indoors and out – experience reduced stress, decreased symptoms of depression, and increased creativity. But it’s not only our mental health feeling the positive effects. There are also physical…

  • 10 Bookish Questions Tag

    I was kindly tagged to answer the 10 Bookish Questions tag – and as reading is one of my favourite passtimes, I couldn’t say know. I’ve also always enjoyed answering tags so this one is pretty perfect for me. So, without further ado… The 10 Bookish Questions Tag 1. How many books do you currently own? Far too many to count! I have two bookcases full of books and more…

  • Gift Ideas for Gamers

    If you’ve been reading my blog for a while you’ll know that I love gaming. Solo games, party games, or even a date night game session with my partner. So it should come as no surprise that there are a few gaming gifts on my Christmas wish list this year. Luckily there are so many gift ideas for gamers out there, especially from independent sellers, so it’s even easier to…

  • 30 Spooky Halloween Questions

    Happy Halloween! For those of you who celebrate it, I hope you all have a wonderfully spooky day, and for those that don’t I hope you have a great Saturday. πŸ™‚ Today I’ll be doing some Halloween baking, pumpkin carving and having a movie marathon later on. We’re hopefully going for a moonlit walk this evening too and sharing some spooky stories around our fire pit! I’m actually really looking…

  • Date Ideas for Gamers

    AD | It’s no secret that I’m a bit of a geek – my profile photo is me in a Yoda hat… with ears, after all – so it should come as no surprise that I love embracing my geeky side when it comes to dating. Especially if I get to combine that with my love of gaming too! And thankfully, I’m lucky enough to have found someone who is…

  • How to Relax After Watching a Horror Movie

    With Halloween around the corner it’s the perfect time to watch a horror movie. In fact, in my house October becomes horror or Halloween movie month; and we have a large collection of horror movies we enjoy watching this time of year. Or any time really! I’ll find any excuse to stick on a horror movie. πŸ˜‰ However, I do understand they may not be everyone’s cup of tea and…

  • The Hallotober Tag

    It’s no secret that I love Halloween; in fact, it’s my favourite holiday, seconded only by Christmas. So when I heard that Jordanne had created the Hallotober Tag this year, I crossed my fingers hoping I’d be nominated. What I didn’t expect, however, was to be nominated, not once, not twice, but four(!) times, by some wonderfully talented bloggers. So thank you to Claire of Our Favourite Jar, Katie of…

  • Ways to Celebrate Halloween at Home

    This year Halloween has the potential to be amazing; it falls on a Saturday (which means a whole day of spooky fun). There’s a full moon that evening, in fact, the second one this month (called a blue moon). And, for those of who like astrology, the moon falls in Taurus this month too (which happens to be my starsign!)… So it goes without saying that I’m a little bit…

  • Have you ever? Fandom Edition

    Being a geek I have a fair share of favourite fandoms, the main ones being Buffy the vampire slayer and Star Wars, but there are others too (like Doctor Who and True Blood). So when I saw that Michelle of A Geek Girls Guide had created a tag specifically for fandoms, I couldn’t resist. Because, to me, my love of fandoms has given me so many wonderful experiences, from meeting…

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