
  • Eco-Friendly Hiking Tips for Beginners *

    AD, GIFTED | If you’d told me 10 years ago that I’d love hiking and even consider it one of my favourite hobbies, I wouldn’t have believed you. In fact, you wouldn’t have seen me doing much leisure walking at all! Besides the occasional canal path walk with my mum that is. It’s true. The thought of going for a walk for fun seemed alien to me; but, thankfully, over…

  • Torquay, Devon

    How We Can Protect Our World’s Oceans | World Oceans Day 2020

    Today is World Oceans Day, an annual, global event celebrating the role of our world’s oceans in everyday life. Its aim is to spread awareness on how we can protect our world’s oceans, restore them, and learn to use marine resources sustainably. And a chance to show the world why our seas are so important. Why should we help protect our world’s oceans? According to World Oceans Day’s website, healthy…

  • 2020 Goals Update

    The first few months of the year started off well for me and I was feeling pretty positive about the year ahead. I was luckily enough to see one of my favourite bands – Slipknot – in concert at the end of January. And enjoyed a bunch of day trips in February and March too, including Crocodiles of the World and a ride on the Cheltenham ferris wheel – which…

  • Travel Experiences You Can Have at Home

    I miss travelling. Not only travel to far off places but also being able to explore my local area. Whether that’s popping to the lakes for some archery or visiting one of our many museums. And I imagine a lot of you are in the same boat at the moment (no pun intended). But while you’re busy dreaming about all the places you could be visiting. Like the Eiffel Tower…

  • Small Acts of Kindness You Can Try at Home

    This week is Mental Health Awareness Week. An annual event hosted by the Mental Health Foundation whose aim is to raise awareness of mental health issues by promoting conversation and breaking down the stigma. And this year is all about kindness, which seems fitting given the current world we’re living in. But while you may not be able to visit your friends and family at the moment, there are still…

  • Birthday lockdown : hat, giant badge and balloons

    My Birthday Celebrations in Lockdown

    My “lockdown birthday” was last week – May 7th to be exact – and as I’m writing this I’m certainly feeling the post-birthday blues. And I’m quite sad it’s over for another year. Usually, we go out for the day, or to one of my favourite restaurants, but it was nice to have a relaxing day at home instead. There were also some unexpected surprises (all from a safe distance,…

  • Have You Ever? – Gaming Edition

    I’m sure you’ve all heard of the party game ‘Never Have I Ever?’, right? If not, it’s a drinking game, in which the first person says something they have never done, and anyone who has done that thing takes a drink. Well, Michelle at GeekGirl has created a video game twist on this classic drinking game. Where all the questions are related to gaming. Since Aaron and I often game…

  • Tips for Baking on a Budget

    Baking is one of my favourite hobbies; as it combines two of my favourite things – being creative, and food! So what’s not to love? It’s also a great rainy day activity and comes in handy for birthdays and Christmases… Is it just me or does a homemade cake taste so much better? 🎂🤤 But as much as I love baking, it can also be quite an expensive hobby to…

  • Star Wars Tag – May the 4th Be With You.

    Happy Star Wars Day and May the 4th be with you! Today Aaron and I will be celebrating by watching as many of the Star Wars movies as we can! In time line order. And as you’re reading this we’re already starting Episode I : The Phantom Menace. I think it’s worth mentioning that the total watch-time for Episodes I-IX is 17 hours and 57 minutes. that excludes the two…

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