My Birthday 2015

May 7th was my birthday and I decided to book a few days off work to celebrate.

Wednesday 6th May

I was surprised by Ryan by a mini birthday celebration, my sister also came over as they both had work on my actual birthday.

There were presents and a mini cake complete with sparkler and candles… I swear Ryan made a mistake with my age through. 😉

Thursday – Sclub7!

Last year mum, Kelly and I went to see McBusted on my birthday. This year it was Sclub7! My inner 90s / 00s child is very happy!

Mum and I did a bit of shopping beforehand, I didn’t find much I wanted except a nearly complete set of the new range of Buffy figures – all except Spike. Very happy! 😀

The concert was amazing, they played a great mix of songs and each band member did a solo preformance. One of the highlights was an acoustic version of Reach with Paul Cattermole.


Not sure how we’ll top this next year.

Presents & Shopping

A few photos of what I was given and what I bought shopping :







My birthday cake… think they made a mistake with my age again. 😉

Annnnd Wednesday’s half eaten cake (I forgot to take a photo before we cut it!).

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