Search results: hiking

  • How Hobbies Can Benefit Mental Health *

    AD, GIFTED | Setting aside time for ourselves and being able to focus on activities we enjoy can be difficult. There always seems to be something more precedent that we feel we need to do instead – which is often true. Whether that’s because we’re working or studying full-time, family commitments, or something else, it can become increasingly harder to get some much needed “me time”. This is why finding…

  • How to Maintain Your Fitness Goals

    AD | Hands up how many of you set fitness goals this year? ✋ … OK, now hands up who hasn’t stuck to them? 🙄 Yep, me too. Even though I started off well with my fitness goals in January and added more yoga and home workouts into my daily routines. I’ve lost track of it recently, which is easily done. We all have so many other commitments to fit…

  • Camping Essentials *

    Last year I took a road trip up the North East of England and up to the Scottish Highlands. Along the way I stopped in Kinlochleven and stayed in a glamping pod! It was a great experience and strengthened my love of camping and the outdoors. Camping can be a great way to spend your staycation and this post covers the essentials I take for any camping trip. [Missed a…

  • 10 Reasons you should visit Romania | Guest Post

    Next up in my staycation series is Maria with 10 reasons you should visit her home country of Romania. Maria blogs at Pal Places which is a travel blog meant for people that travel without a car. Maria’s blog posts are from Europe only (for the moment). For each destination, she presents routes available by public transportation. Maria is based in Bucharest and loves to travel and discover other cultures.…

  • Scottish Highlands: Ben Nevis

    After a busy few days in Edinburgh, Ryan and I continued our road trip and headed into the Scottish highlands. Our first stop was the Famous Grouse distillery which unfortunately wasn’t open for another hour when we arrived! 🙁 But we took some photos and made a note to go back again at some point. In fact there are many things we want to go back and do in the…

  • Date Ideas

    As Valentine’s Day is next month I thought I’d share my list of date ideas with you. There’s also a .pdf checklist for you to save at the end of this post. 🙂 Date ideas. Trip to a car boot sale. Go to the cinema and see the next film. Game or two of bowing. Play 20 Questions. Go hiking or for a long walk. Go to a museum. Take…

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