Anyone else over indulge this Christmas? 😐 Show of hands… ✋ Yep, me too. Whether it’s food, gifts, social events, or something else, I think we can all agree that Christmas can be a very expensive time of year. And that it’s all too easy to overspend. Like many people I set myself a budget on Christmas spending but more often than not go over it. I get caught up…
20 Goals for 2020 (A Mini Bucket List)
Happy New Year! I hope Santa brought you everything you wished for and you all had a well deserved break. Typically I’ve started off the New Year with another cold which is exactly how I went into 2019. 🤧 But unlike 2019 (and the past few years to be honest), I’ve decided to set myself 20 goals for 2020. This has been greatly inspired by Britt who shared her 2020…
Schwartz BBQ Stuffed Chicken *
AD, GIFTED| How many times have you spent time on a dish only to over (or under) season it? Leaving you with a unfufilling or bland dish? Me too. Which is why I often reach for ready mixed spices, like Schwartz BBQ seasoning*. I just love how a little seasoning can turn a bland dish into something delicious, and packed full of flavour. Even if you’re not a natural in…
Reflecting on the Past Decade (2010-2019)
A lot has happened this past decade and quite honestly, I can’t believe how quickly it’s gone by. As cliche as that sounds! It’s hard to believe that I’ve lived long enough to see four decades pass me by, late and I’m only in my early 30s. Like most years, there have been a lot of ups and downs over the past decade, and especially within the past few years.…
Merry Christmas (2019)
Merry Christmas to all my readers that celebrate it and Happy Holidays to any that don’t. I hope Santa stopped by last night to drop off wonderful gifts for you all. I spent Christmas Eve evening with family and friends for a nice meal in our local, before coming home to bed, of course we had the Norad Santa Tracker on all evening. A little tradition in our house. This…
Bet You Didn’t Know Tag
Lauren of Bournemouth Girl kindly nominated me for the ‘Bet you Didn’t Know tag‘, where bloggers are sharing 7 things about them, that don’t appear anywhere else on their blog. I think it’s a great idea to get to know others and find other people who have the same interests as you. The tag was created by a blogger called Jenni who runs her blog House Wife Hustle. The rules…
Gift Ideas for Exotic Pets (and their owners)
With Christmas only a week away many people like to include their pets in the festivities, and give them special gifts or treats. Which can be quite easy if you have a fluffy animal like a dog or a cat, as there are plenty of cute gift ideas on the market. However, if you have an exotic or aquatic pet, buying presents for them can get more difficult. If you’ve…
Unconventional Movies to Watch this Christmas
It’s no secret that I love a good horror movie and will find any excuse to watch them, even at Christmas time. From classic horror, to creature features, and even action movies, there are so many, unconventional, choices out there. Which I love to mix in with my favourite (more traditional) Christmas movies. So since today is Friday 13th, which if you ask me is the perfect day for horror…
My Dream Christmas
Last year Aaron asked me what my dream Christmas would be. Specifically where would I spend it? What would I do? And more importantly, who would I spend it with? To be honest, my ‘dream Christmas’, isn’t something I’ve ever thought much about before. However, I did give it a lot of thought when he first asked me, and more so now, as we’re entering the Christmas period again. I…