Disneyland Paris

  • Star Wars Season at Disneyland Paris | Guest Post

    Having recently visited Disneyland Paris myself for their Marvel season (for my sister’s hen weekend) I was excited when Summer and Ruby contacted me sharing their time at the park during it’s Star Wars season earlier this year. It’s one of my favourite fandoms and I’ll admit I’m a little jealous! Star Wars season at Disneyland Paris Guest post by: Summer and Ruby Our blog Hemingway Sisters is about us…

  • Hen Weekend in Disneyland Paris (Part 1 of 2)

    If you’ve been following me on Twitter or Instagram recently you’ll know that I spent my sister’s hen weekend in Disneyland Paris at the begining of May! 💗🎢🎡 It was a fun packed few days, and I’m happy to report that I checked everything off my Disneyland Paris Bucket List (see ✔ marks); except for Halloween, obviously. We’ve all been having serious post Disney blues since getting back home though……

  • Disneyland Paris Bucket List

    Next week(!) I’ll be hopping on the Eurostar to Disneyland Paris for my sister’s hen weekend! It’s come around so quickly since we booked it back in November, and I’m really looking forward to it. I’ve been to Disneyland a few times before (3 to be exact) but never travelled on the Eurostar; I’ve driven to Disneyland (via the Channel Tunnel) and flown to Paris and caught the Metro, but…

  • The Disneyland Paris Tag

    If you didn’t know I’ll be travelling to Disneyland Paris next month for my sister’s hen weekend! 😁 Since it’s getting close now I’ve been reading many blog posts about Disney and Disneyland Paris recently – my browser history and Pinterest search history is literally full of Disney content at the moment. 😅 One post I stumbled upon was the Disneyland Paris tag over on Jenny’s blog, which I thought…