The Gloucestershire Steam & Vintage extravaganza A.K.A. The South Cerney steam rally was last weekend and I went along on the Saturday with my family, another yearly tradition we have. 🙂 Unfortunately it rained. A lot. We were constantly darting in and out of the marquees and trade stands in a vain attempt to stay dry, but it didn’t spoil the show for us! I’m very glad I wore my…
steam rally
South Cerney Steam Rally 2016
The South Cerney steam rally or the Gloucestershire steam & vintage extravaganza as it’s now more commonly know, is a three day event at South Cerney Airfield and has been an annual event for the past 42 years. This year’s event took place on the 5th – 7th August. My family and I have gone to the event every year for as long as I can remember, it’s a fun…