The Christmas Tag

The lovely Amylou tagged me in The Christmas Tag and as it’s the lead up to Christmas, I thought I’d share my answers with you. 🙂 You can read Amylou’s answers here.

So without further ado…

The Christmas Tag

1. When do you start getting excited for Christmas Day?

Usually the last week of work, we always go out for drinks on the last Friday before our Christmas shut down. I think that’s because my sister’s birthday is the 17th December so we try to hold the festivities until after.

But I do get excited by the run up to Christmas more than Christmas Day itself – things like decorating the tree, Christmas markets etc.

2. Do you still have an advent calendar? If yes, which do you have and if no, when did you stop having them?

This is the first year I haven’t had one!

3. What are favourite Christmas movies?

You can read about my favourite Christmas films in this post. However my favourite is probably The Muppets Christmas Carol.

4. Do you have any funny Christmas stories/memories?

I don’t think we’ve had funny christmas stories/memories, no.

5. What’s your typical Christmas Day?

If my sister is over she wakes me up at 6am and we wait until 6:30 before going to wake up my parents(!). We open stockings in their room before going downstairs to give them a gift from underneath the tree. After that we have a full English breakfast, before more present opening and a lovely turkey dinner around 4pm.

After dinner we’ll using watch a Christmas movie and Doctor Who later that evening.

If she’s not staying over Christmas Eve… We wake up around 9am and she’ll come over for Christmas dinner.

6. What do you eat for you Christmas dinner? And what is your favourite part of it?

We always have turkey and gammon with roast potatoes, veg, pigs in blankets, gravy and Yorkshire puddings. My favourite is the turkey as it’s really the only time of year we eat it.

7. Do you have any Christmas traditions?

Decorating our Christmas tree 12 days before Christmas Day, going to the pantomime at the Cheltenham Everymann theatre and going out for lunch on Christmas Eve.

8. What are your favourite Christmas songs?

My top 3 songs are;

Slade – Merry Christmas Everybody

Wizzard – I wish it could be Christmas everyday

The Pogues – Fairy tale of New York

9. What has been your best Christmas present?

I fondly remember opening up a Sega Mega Drive with my sister when we were younger. It was our first games console and we were both very happy Santa brought it for us. So probably that as it has a great memory behind it.

As an adult, maybe my Stargate Zat gun replica.

10. Do you prefer a real or fake Christmas tree?

Real ones.

11. This year, do you think you’d be on the naughty or nice list?

Nice list.

12. What are your favourite treats at Christmas?

When I could eat dairy I loved the caramel barrel from a tin of Roses or the toffee penny from Quality Streets. I also had a stocking shaped selection box. Now, I love Haribo Tangfastics.

13. Do you prefer giving or receiving presents?

Giving gifts.

14. Where would be your dream place to spend Christmas?

In a log cabin, with it snowing and a large fire. There’s a lake nearby and a real Christmas tree in the sitting room. But I’d also like to spend Christmas in New York, completely the opposite, I know.

15. Are you good at wrapping presents?

Haha, no!

16. What time do you usually get up on Christmas morning? Is this different from when you were little?

As I mentioned above, it’s 6am if my sister stayed over Christmas Eve or 9am normally.

17. How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn’t real? And how did you find out?

What do you mean Santa isn’t real? *shifty eyes*

18. What is your dream Christmas present?

I honestly have no idea! Something really extravagant would be a holiday to New York? Something smaller would be a ticket to see one of my favourite bands.

I hope you enjoyed reading my answers. 😊 If you’d like to do this yourself, feel free, but let me know so I can read your answers.


  • Jordanne / Thelifeofaglasgowgirl

    December 26, 2018 at 22:11

    Fab Christmas tag hun! I Love the song by wizzard, it makes me feel so christmassy. We are always up super early on Christmas day as well, little bear jumps about crazy, dying to see if the big man has came and left presents ahah.

    Jordanne //

    1. Kim

      March 24, 2019 at 17:04

      Thanks Jordanne. 🙂 Christmas is probably the only day of the year I don’t mind getting up early, lol.
      Sorry for the delay replying to your comment! It had ended up in spam. 🙁

  • Helen C

    December 23, 2018 at 08:47

    Merry Christmas Kim – thanks for sharing this fun post! I remember my brother and I receiving our first games console as children, it was one of my favourite gifts too. I much prefer giving presents than receiving, I’m quite picky with what I like but I like seeing my family’s faces when they open my gifts. I love gift wrapping, and I’m normally a very neat wrapper, this year we’ve been busy, so I still have some left to do! Hope you have an awesome Christmas, thanks for all your support on my blog and look forward to catching up soon. 🙂 xx

    Helen | Helen’s Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

  • Bexa

    December 22, 2018 at 13:06

    I love your tradition of a full English breakfast on Christmas Day! This post has made me so hungry he he, especially after reading about your Christmas dinner, yum! I’m so looking forward to the pigs in blankets, delicious! New York for Christmas would be the dream, right? It always looks so festive and magical in the films. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas Kim and hope you have an awesome 2019 <3 xxx

    Bexa |

  • Sarah

    December 22, 2018 at 06:09

    Ooo I wish I had a full English breakfast on Christmas morning, I might need to make that happen this year! :p Reading your answer to Q6 has made me so excited for Christmas dinner, the food might be my favourite part of the day 😀

    Fairytale of New York is also my favourite Christmas song 🙂 It’s such a tune! Haha, I love annoying everyone around Christmas by quoting the ‘IT’S CHRISTMAS!’ line from the start of Slade’s festive song all the time XD Spending Christmas in a log cabin would be cool! Great post, I enjoyed reading your answers! – Sarah x

  • Ruth

    December 17, 2018 at 09:14

    YES for The Muppets Christmas Carol 😀 I can’t believe you don’t have an advent calendar, though, that makes me sad. I plan to have one every year until I’m old and grey 😉 A log cabin with snow outside and a large fire inside sounds delightful for this time of year, I’d love that, too.

  • Lisa McLachlan

    December 16, 2018 at 16:28

    “What do you mean Santa isn’t real?” LOVE IT! This was such a fun post to read, I love reading tag posts, you find out quite a bit about your fellow bloggers. And the log cabin would be a dream, especially with no WiFi signal, bliss! x

    Lisa |

  • Kat

    December 15, 2018 at 22:59

    I would love to go to New York one day, so a ticket there would be amazing!! I also think a log cabin in the winter, with a fire blazing, would be so cosy.

  • Sophie Wentworth

    December 15, 2018 at 21:49

    Fairytale of New York is my favourite Christmas song I think. I think it’s nice that you wait until after your sister’s birthday to get fully festive, I always feel sorry for people with December birthdays because they seem to get left out a bit. I hope she has a lovely day! I can’t believe you get up at 6 on Christmas morning!! x


  • Ruth Josey

    December 15, 2018 at 12:52

    I loved reading your answers! LOL! What?!?!? Who says Santa isn’t real? I remember having to explain to my 4-year-old that she couldn’t tell her friends at daycare her theory on Santa because their parents would get mad at me 😛

  • Soph

    December 15, 2018 at 10:58

    Fairy Tale of New York has to be one of my favourite Christmas songs too, I hope your sister has a lovely birthday.. I always feel a little bad of December babies as I feel like a lot of people overshadow it with Christmas, it’s nice to hear that you guys make sure she doesn’t feel that way!

    Soph – x

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