Search results: hiking

  • Eco-Friendly Hiking Tips for Beginners *

    AD, GIFTED | If you’d told me 10 years ago that I’d love hiking and even consider it one of my favourite hobbies, I wouldn’t have believed you. In fact, you wouldn’t have seen me doing much leisure walking at all! Besides the occasional canal path walk with my mum that is. It’s true. The thought of going for a walk for fun seemed alien to me; but, thankfully, over…

  • Day Hiking Essentials

    If you had told me five years ago that I’d enjoy hiking, I wouldn’t have believed you. I was never an outdoorsy type, sure I enjoyed short walks around my home town and the surrounding villages, but longer walks or hiking didn’t seem appealing to me. That was until my first mountain hike, it was tough(!) but the feeling I had once we all reached the top was amazing. Since…

  • My Favourite Travel Apps

    As an autistic person, I find travel very difficult to manage – from noisy airports, navigating public transport, being out of my daily routines, and not having my home comforts. So, it’s very important for me to plan ahead and do as much research as possible before I travel! Which is where my favourite travel apps come in handy. Because, despite all the challenges – I love to travel. Exploring…

  • 2020 Personal Goals Review

    At the start of the last year I set myself a mini bucket list; 20 goals for 2020, and although I started off well, sadly many of them were put on hold due to the worldwide pandemic. And most notably the UK lockdowns and tier systems. Even though when I first wrote then they were all achievable, I quickly found out it would be hard to achieve them all. 1…

  • How Flowers Can Improve Our Mental Health ft. The Flower Shops *

    AD, Gifted | It’s well known that getting outside, especially in nature, is a great way to improve our mental health. In fact, research has shown that people who surround themselves with flowers, and other forms of natural beauty, – both indoors and out – experience reduced stress, decreased symptoms of depression, and increased creativity. But it’s not only our mental health feeling the positive effects. There are also physical…

  • Sunshine Blogger Award #4 and #5: The Pentalogy

    I’m very grateful to have been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award for a forth, and, fifth time. Hence the sub-tile ‘The Pentalogy’, which is used to describe a set of five works (usually writing or literature) that are connected, which seemed fitting for this post. 😊 My fourth nomination was from Kari of Kari Blogs Online and my fifth nomination was from Dear College Introvert. Thank you both so…

  • Mother and Daughter Date Ideas

    My mum’s birthday was a couple of days ago – Happy Birthday Mum! I know you’ll probably be reading this. πŸ˜‰ And while we usually celebrate with a day trip or weekend away together, sadly, we haven’t been able to do that this year. Instead, we had a quiet evening at home, complete with flowers, gifts, foodie treats, and cake (of course!). But we are also hoping to plan a…

  • Ways to Boost Your Mood during the Summer (+ Help with Reverse SAD)

    Ways to Boost Your Mood During Summer (+ Help with Reverse SAD)

    Out of the four seasons, Summer is my least favourite. It’s hot, sweaty and can be very uncomfortable to sleep. I also burn very easily (even in overcast English weather) which doesn’t help my ill feelings towards the Summer season either! And I’m not the only one; an estimated 10% of people in the UK experience depressive episodes in the Summer months. Commonly referred to as “Summertime Sadness” or the…

  • Summer Self Care Ideas

    When it comes to self care I love to be cosy and comfortable. Picture warm fires, comfy blankets, cosy PJs, fuzzy socks, and hot chocolate; which, let’s face it, don’t mix too well with Summer. The heat makes many of these things impractical – unless we’re experiencing a particularly wet and windy day, of course! Still, I find that switching up my self care routine in the Summer months, helps…

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