I did an Autumn tag earlier this season and have now been tagged in two(!) more. So, as Autumn is by far my favourite season and some of the questions are different, I’ve decided to answer both tags in one post. 🎃👻🍂🍁🌳 The Autumn Tag II First up is the Autumn Tag which Michael kindly nominated me for, you can read his answers here. What signifies the start of Autumn…
Horror Movie Tag
I love a good horror movie! It’s my favourite movie genre and has been since I saw Gremlins in the early 90s; not that I found it that horrific. Gizmo is cute and the other Gremlins had me laughing out loud. Please tell me I’m not the only one? Since then my love of horror has grown and I have a growing collection of DVDs and some Blu Rays. The…
Autumn tag
This year the Autumn equinox happens in the early hours of the morning on Sunday 23rd September and marks the first day of autumn. It’s the time of year when day and night are almost equal in length. So it must mean I can decorate the house for Halloween on Sunday right? 😉🎃 … Right? In celebration of the equinox I’d like to answer the Autumn tag which I found on…
The Geeky Girl Tag
With comic con season in full swing (got to love Summer for that!) I thought I’d do the Geeky Girl tag after reading Sarah’s answers on her blog, Raiin Monkey. So without further ado… The Geeky Girl Tag (1) What’s your must-have tech gadget? At the moment it has to be my Samsung Galaxy S7. I use it for everything; taking photos, blogging, keeping in contact with my friends and…
Sunshine Blogger Award
I’ve been tagged by Laura of Merkitty for the Sunshine Blogger Award (you can read her answers here). I’m more than happy to take part in this and, I think it’s the first blogger tag I’ve been officially tagged in! Also a great way to get into the swing of things after my break. So let’s get started. Sunshine Blogger Award Rules Thank the blogger who nominated you and link…
The Halloween Tag
Happy Halloween! Tonight I’m celebrating by doing the Halloween tag while donning some Ghostbusters pyjama bottoms and watching some Halloween themed films with my family (and likely some horror films too). I’m hoping we’ll see some trick or treaters as well. If you didn’t know by now Halloween is my favourite holiday, seconded by Christmas. When we were little my sister and I went trick or treating around our village…
Using phpMyAdmin to restore content
Back in March 2014 my website was hacked. It took a little over a month but it’s finally up and running again. Thanks to being able to restore my content using phpMyAdmin. I didn’t have a back-up! Using phpMyAdmin to restore content Depending on how your content was lost you may be unable to access your content management system (CMS), CPanel or FTP server. This was the case for me…
WordPress installation hacked – Be Back Soon!
My WordPress installation was hacked, slowly re-populating everything. Kim x
The Sunshine Award
So, while I’ve been away, I seemed to have missed being tagged for the Sunshine Award by Karin! Opps! Now, I love memes, quizzes and things, so here goes… 🙂 Sunshine Award Rules You have to post a picture of the Sunshine Award in the blog post. Post 11 random facts about yourself. Answer the 11 questions from the blogger who nominated you. Nominate 11 wonderful bloggers. Write 11 questions…