AD, GIFTED | I don’t know about you, but I love watching movies. Whether that’s catching the latest cinema release, binging the horror movie selection on Netflix or watching one of my old favourites on TV. It’s a great way to spend a night in and one of my favoruite rainy day activities too. But if there’s one thing one I prefer to the cinema its the comfort that comes…
How Hobbies Can Benefit Mental Health *
AD, GIFTED | Setting aside time for ourselves and being able to focus on activities we enjoy can be difficult. There always seems to be something more precedent that we feel we need to do instead – which is often true. Whether that’s because we’re working or studying full-time, family commitments, or something else, it can become increasingly harder to get some much needed “me time”. This is why finding…
What My Parents Taught Me About Relationships
This blog post is in collaboration with 13 other great bloggers who have been posting related content on each of their blogs, over the past couple of weeks. You can find out more about who has been taking part at the end of this post. What My Parents Taught Me About Relationships For many of us, our parents (or guardians) are our first teachers. We grow up watching them, learning…
The Movies Tag
It’s no secret that I love movies. I have an extensive DVD collection (especially of horror movies), enjoy finding new movies on Netflix, and love to watch new releases at the cinema. So when I saw Stars and Sprinkles had posted ‘the movies tag’, I knew I had to share my answers. I love a good blogger tag; they’re a great way to get to know the person behind the…
How to Maintain Your Fitness Goals
AD | Hands up how many of you set fitness goals this year? ✋ … OK, now hands up who hasn’t stuck to them? 🙄 Yep, me too. Even though I started off well with my fitness goals in January and added more yoga and home workouts into my daily routines. I’ve lost track of it recently, which is easily done. We all have so many other commitments to fit…
Spending 24 Hours in Birmingham *
AD | Even though I only live an hour away from Birmingham (on a good journey), it’s not somewhere I’ve explored much of, besides its music venues and shopping streets. And of course their well known Christmas markets. So I was interested to see what other tourist attractions the city had to offer, but with only 24 hours in Birmingham, I knew we had to use our time wisely. We…
Stay at Home Date Night Ideas *
AD | If you’re in a long term relationship you may find yourselves getting into a routine. Get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, relax, and then before you know it, it’s off to bed; sound familiar? Me too. Sometimes it feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day and it can be a struggle to spend time together. But, you should try to make time. Dating…
The Liebster Award
The Liebster Award celebrates positivity and kindness in the blogging community, so I’m very humbled to have been nominated by one of my favourite bloggers, Ellie. Who writes about everything from travel to theatre reviews. So please, make sure to visit her blog and click the follow button. You’ll be glad you did. 😊 What I enjoy about blogger tags and awards such as this one is the questions are…
What I Love About Winter
Winter and I have a love-hate relationship. While I enjoy the crisp frosty mornings, picturesque snow fall, and curling up on a rainy day, I also really feel the cold. Which isn’t a great combination when I do have to go outside and brave the elements. Or when my colleagues turn the fans on in the office! Yes, even in Winter. Typically the Winter season in the UK tends to…