Stay at Home Date Night Ideas *

AD | If you’re in a long term relationship you may find yourselves getting into a routine. Get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, relax, and then before you know it, it’s off to bed; sound familiar? Me too. Sometimes it feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day and it can be a struggle to spend time together.

But, you should try to make time. Dating your partner, whether that’s date nights (or days), can not only strengthen your relationship but help you discover new things about each other. It also allows you the chance to take a step back, relax and remember who you are as a couple, and that you’re more than just roommates or caregivers.

This year my boyfriend Aaron and I have agreed to spend at least one evening a week together. Just the two of us. And by that, I mean no phones, no laptops, no social media. Basically, no distractions.

So, as we’re both on a budget (while trying to save for a deposit on a house), we’ve come up with some stay at home date night ideas that we’d like to try out. All of these are great low-cost options for any stage of your relationship.

Stay at Home Date Night Ideas

1. Dinner and a movie

Ah, the classic date night. But why not take it one step further and try a themed movie night? By simply matching your choice of movie to your dish, for example, Italian food while watching The Godfather.

2. Spa evening

There are so many options here from face masks, to giving each other massages or enjoying a relaxing bubble bath together. But no matter what you choose for your pamper session, the key thing to remember is getting some much needed R&R.

3. Breakfast in bed

Either draw straws to see who grabs breakfast from the kitchen, 😉 or better yet, make breakfast together and bring a tray of food back to the bedroom with you.

4. Games night

Whether you love traditional board games, video games or even card games, a games night can be a great way to spend a night in, while showing your competitive side. Winner, cooks dinner?

5. Have an indoor picnic

Grab some snacks and have a picnic in front of your tv or fireplace. Bonus points if you lay a blanket on the floor and have your picnic on it.

6. Enjoy a fondue night

Whether it’s chocolate or cheese a fondue night can be a fun, sometimes messy, idea for your evening in.

7. Plan your next vacation

Even if you don’t have the budget for it right now, planning your next (or dream) vacation, can give you both something great to look forward to.

8. Watch a concert on YouTube

Tight budget? Missed out on tickets? Try searching for the concert on YouTube and watch it together. 😊 We’ve done this a few times when we haven’t been able to make it to ‘Download Festival’.

9. Cook together

This could either be one of your favourite meals or something new you’ve always wanted to try.

10. Share your hobbies

Whether you love to paint, bake, play Dungeons and Dragons, video games, or something else, take some time out to share your hobbies with your partner.

What if you’re single?

If you’re single and looking for someone to spend time with, then online dating could be worth a try. Especially if you’re nervous about meeting new people. Its doesn’t have to cost anything either, a free dating website* can be a great way to meet like-minded people, and there are plenty of options available. Like Match Me Happy* in the UK where you can search for people in your local area.

But what if I don’t want a relationship?

That’s perfectly OK too! What’s great about these ideas is they can also be experienced alone or with friends, or family.

What are your favourite stay at home date ideas? Any I’ve missed? Have you set any relationship goals this year?


  • Lisa

    February 10, 2020 at 13:04

    I love these suggestions, Kim, I think my faves are the breakfast in bed, games night, and fondue night. All lots of fun and really affordable too. Great tips, thank you!

  • Britt K

    January 30, 2020 at 15:38

    We only get one day/week where my husband isn’t working, so we try to make the most out of it. I will say, one of my favourite options is to do a movie day in bed… We pick up food and snacks that are bed friendly (not too messy) and stay in bed with the pups all day watching movies together. It doesn’t happen often, maybe twice a year, but I love it when it happens!

  • Jaya Avendel

    January 29, 2020 at 00:39

    Such sweet ideas! I am all for cooking together and eating it face to face. Maybe a game or movie afterwards; I like to focus on each individual thing. 🙂

  • Charity

    January 28, 2020 at 23:42

    These are all such great ideas! I love having date nights at home. Thanks so much for sharing!

  • Jupiter Hadley

    January 28, 2020 at 21:41

    Dates don’t have to be super expensive nights out! We do a lot of movie nights and tabletop game nights. It’s very cute.

    1. Paula

      January 30, 2020 at 08:41

      Great post! We’re also trying to save up for some of our big plans this year so these ideas will definitely come in handy for us. I personally love movie nights in and cooking together is always hilarious because we’re both not great at it!

  • S.S. Mitchell

    January 28, 2020 at 19:19

    You’ve got some great ideas here, brilliant post! I’m a proper homesbody so some of these sound lush to me. I really like your spin on dinner and a movie with the themed food. Spa night is a lovely idea and I’d never thought of the YouTube concert part. I’ll try some of these for sure!

  • Joan Senio

    January 28, 2020 at 18:16

    These are all great suggestions. I especially like the idea of planning our next vacation – this is something we have often spent free time doing in the past and it always leaves us very happy! When we get our first snow of the season, we always spend our snow day looking for a summer beach destination!
    My Best Friend Adeline

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