Relaxing bath time routine | Self Care

During my CBT sessions we talked about self care and how I should do one nice thing for myself once a week. Or more if I could manage it… Sometimes a bad mental health day makes my motivation very difficult, so she took that into consideration. I chose a long relaxing bath and find it helps me unwind, distress and feel better about the day and about myself.

Of course a bath isn’t the only form of self care you can try but it’s something I enjoy and find them very relaxing. Especially in the Autumn and Winter months when it’s typically colder.

Setting the mood

Light some candles and place them in a safe place away from things that may catch fire, such as blinds. My favourites for bath time are lavender or vanilla for a calming atmosphere.

Lavender candles and bubble bath
Lavender candles and bubble bath

Make yourself a drink to keep yourself hydrated and set this down near the bath or use a caddy. I love a mug of soya hot chocolate this time of year. 😍☕ Next grab some reading material, a book or a magazine and put your electronics to oneside.

Prepare your bath

To feel relaxed in the tub, you want the water to be warm enough to soak in for at least half an hour without it getting too cold, but not so hot that it’s uncomfortable!

The best way to check the temperature is with your wrist rather than hand, as it gives a better indication of how comfortable the temperature will be once you get in.

Purple water

When filling the tub, I like to get in when it’s filled about halfway. That way you can feel the temperature and adjust it to suit you. 😊 Also remember not to over fill as the water level will increase once your in it.

I like to use bath bombs, bath melts or bath salts in my baths. Or a large amount of bubble bath. 😉

I find the soothing aromas and the swirling colours of bath bombs theraputic to watch and who doesn’t love bubbles!?

“Cherry bomb” bath bomb

Think about after your bath

If you have a tumble dryer consider popping your towel or robe in their for a few minutes to warm up – I used to do this but now I use our radiator. There’s nothing better than a warm fluffy towel and bath robe on standby.

Mines a penguin! 🐧🐧🐧

Penguin bathrobe
Excuse the mess! This selfie was taken during one of my decluttering sessions. 🙈


Once I’m in the bath I like to pop on a calming play list, lean my head back with my eyes closed and just relax. Sometimes I’ll apply a face mask as well.

It just feels really tranquil and I get out feeling very freshed.

Calming play list
Snippet of my play list

Worried about your phone or tablet getting wet? Why not try a waterproof Bluetooth speaker, like this snail shaped one.

Wash yourself

When you’re finished relaxing wash yourself with a cotton flannel or a loofa. If you need to rinse your hair, lay back and massage your scalp until you feel like all the soap is out. Or, use the shower head.

Dry off and Relax

When you’re finished, pat yourself dry with a towel – avoid rubbing as this can damage your skin. Apply a moisturiser or body lotion and pop on your pyjamas.

After this you could read some more of your book, watch an episode of your favourite show (I’m rewatching Only Fools and Horses at the moment) or curl up in bed and get an early nights sleep. You can read more ideas here.

What is your favourite way to relax? Do you enjoy baths? What is your routine like? Let me know in the comments. 😊


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  • Tiffany

    March 28, 2019 at 22:50

    I totally feel the same way and use this as my self care routine, too.

    For example, I had a pretty stressful day today. On my way home from work, I told myself that I am going to treat myself to a Lush bath bomb tonight when taking my bath! I have a bunch on hand for days like today (they are pricey but SO worth it.)

    Like you, I also enjoy hopping in when the tub is filled halfway 🙂

    1. Kim

      March 30, 2019 at 10:17

      I have an obsession with Lush! They’re expensive yes, but such good products. In fact I’m popping into town today to check out their Easter range. Thanks for your comment Tiffany.

  • Helen C

    October 10, 2018 at 16:38

    Hi Kim 🙂 How are you? Thanks for stopping by my blog before, I thought I would pay your lovely blog a visit too, sorry for the delayed response. This post was really great, I love personal posts like this, as it feels like a chat with a friend over a cuppa. I’m more of a shower girl but I really resonated with your tips. Heating up a bath robe afterwards is such a good tip. I have an onesie and wear it to relax in. I like your penguin bath robe by the way too. I love the feeling of coming out the shower all fresh and after I have dried my hair it improves my mood on bad days. Other ways I like to relax include doing jigsaws and reading a book. Thanks for sharing! 🙂 xx

    Helen | Helen’s Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

    1. Kim

      October 14, 2018 at 09:37

      Hi Helen. I’m great, thank you. How are you? I enjoy showers too but there’s just something I find so relaxing about a bath. I usually use showers when I want a quicker wash. Thanks for your comment. xxx

  • Jheelam

    October 10, 2018 at 15:18

    Your Penguin bath-robe is the cutest. The way you listed down the steps, taking a bath has never sounded that “tempting” or “therapeutic” ever. 😀

    1. Kim

      October 14, 2018 at 09:34

      Thanks Jeelam! It was a Christmas present last year and it’s very snuggly.

  • Ruth

    October 7, 2018 at 15:15

    Great post! It has defo put me in the mood to start doing more self care techniques it is so important for your mental health. I’m looking forward to hopefully reading about more self care techniques x

    1. Kim

      October 7, 2018 at 18:03

      Thanks Ruth. I do think self care is very important and hope to do more of it myself. We can be very hard on ourselves.

  • Ozzy And Mummy

    October 4, 2018 at 15:05

    Great post, have you ever tried lush bath bombs? They are amazing for a relaxing bath to unwind. Lovely post, xxx

    1. Kim

      October 4, 2018 at 23:46

      I have! 😁 My favourite (and first) one is Twilight. I’m looking forward to buying some of their Halloween range this year. Thanks for your comment. xx

  • Merkitty

    October 3, 2018 at 14:11

    I don’t have a bath, but I do miss having one.. they are so relaxing. I love that in your CBT session it was suggested to do one nice thing a week for yourself, which I totally agree with. I actually think we should try to do something nice for ourselves as often as possible when our mental health allows us to. So hard to be kind to yourself sometimes though.

    I hope you find CBT helpful. I have heard lots of people say it helps them.. sadly when I went through it as a teen I didn’t find it helpful. Maybe I just had a bad experience.

    Also your penguin bath robe is super adorable! ♥

    1. Kim

      October 3, 2018 at 18:11

      I know where you’re coming from as my first flat only had a shower. I really missed having a bath! My bath robe was a Christmas present last year – it’s so snuggly and warm! 😍

      I think CBT is helping as it’s getting to the bottom of my depression and my anxiety triggers – my therapist actually diagnosed me with severe social phobia and mild agoraphobia. I was originally diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder.

  • Megan

    October 2, 2018 at 08:20

    Love this post! I really miss baths as my house at the moment doesn’t have one, they’re such a great way to relax and get cosy in the winter months. Love your bathrobe too, so cute!!

    Megan //

    1. Kim

      October 2, 2018 at 19:55

      Thanks Megan! It was a Christmas present last year. 🙂 I know what you mean about not having a bath tub – my first flat didn’t have one and I really missed them.

  • Lauren

    October 1, 2018 at 20:10

    I also do cbt, I only have 2 sessions left. I hope you are finding it beneficial. I love bath time, bubbles or a bath bomb, music and just relax. I always feel so calm afterwards! Thank you for sharing your post. Xxx

    1. Kim

      October 2, 2018 at 19:50

      It’s been beneficial in getting to the bottom of my depression and anxiety, and it’s triggers. Thanks for your comment, I’m glad you enjoyed my post. 😊

  • Laura

    October 1, 2018 at 17:47

    Lovely post, with some useful advice embedded as well!! x Thanks for sharing your relaxing bath time routine with us x

    Laura /

    1. Kim

      October 1, 2018 at 19:29

      Thanks for your comment Laura. 😊 I’m glad you found it useful. xx

  • Lisa McLachlan

    October 1, 2018 at 11:42

    Loving the sound of your relaxing bath times! The lavender candles sound wonderful and it’s a big yes to fluffy towels too. My only addition would be a large glass of wine, haha! x

    Lisa |

    1. Kim

      October 1, 2018 at 19:26

      A glass of wine would be a perfect addition to my routine! 😉 🍷 Thanks for your comment Lisa. x

  • Peanuts and Cacahuetes

    September 30, 2018 at 14:59

    So…. I want a bath now! haha Yes, I do love bath and this routine sounds particularly relaxing!
    Until now, I couldn’t get any as I was in a flat with no bath… BUT I recently moved in in a new flat WITH a bath!! Yayyyyy!
    Now, I just need to by some bath bomb and I’m all ready to go!
    Can”t wait!
    I never used music before, so I will definitely remember to do so next time! Thank you!


    1. Kim

      October 1, 2018 at 19:25

      Thanks for your comment Laura! 😊 Music can be a great way to relax and I enjoy listening to some while I’m enjoying my “me time”. I hated not having a bath in my first flat so I can relate. x

  • Molly

    September 30, 2018 at 13:05

    Really enjoyed this post! Such good tips and great ways to unwind and relax. It can be so hard to put technology down these days. But Its so important to do things like this as often as you can.

    1. Kim

      October 1, 2018 at 19:23

      Thanks Molly. 😊 I think we spend so much time glued to our electronics that it’s nice to switch them to silent (or off!) for a bit and just relax. x

  • Jenna

    September 30, 2018 at 12:47

    Great post! I don’t even remember the last time I have taken a bath, but I feel like it would be super relaxing. Thanks for sharing! 🙂 Your blog is so cute!
    -Jenna ❤
    Follow me back? The Chic Cupcake

    1. Kim

      October 1, 2018 at 19:22

      Thanks Jenna! 😊 I’m glad you enjoyed my post. x

  • Ruth

    September 30, 2018 at 12:40

    I LOVE your penguin dressing gown – that’s so cute! I usually have showers, but I had a bath the other day, and it was so relaxing. I agree, it’s a great way to practice self-care and shut off from the world for a while.

    1. Kim

      October 1, 2018 at 19:20

      Thanks! It was a Christmas present last year – so snuggly and warm. 💗 When I didn’t have a bath tub I missed them! I usually have showers day to day but a bath is my treat to myself.

  • Jordanne | Thelifeofaglasgowgirl

    September 30, 2018 at 11:47

    Love this! A good self care routine is always needed and I always tend to squeeze a bath into mine. I love your robe! It’s so cute haha and that bath bomb sounds amazing, it looks great, must look into that one.

    Jordanne ||

    1. Kim

      October 1, 2018 at 12:46

      Thanks Jordanne! I only discovered Cherry Bomb Boutique on Etsy recently but I’m loving their products. I’ve got a pumpkin bath bomb on order that I’m waiting to arrive. My robe was a Christmas present last year – it’s so snuggly and puts a smile on my face. x

  • Gemma

    September 30, 2018 at 10:57

    This definitely sums up bath time for me! You can make it such a relaxing time, especially by taking all these steps. I love a good bath bomb in my bath, who knew it could make it soo relaxing! Also yes, I love a good candle. I love this post, thank-you for sharing.

    Gemma |

    1. Kim

      September 30, 2018 at 11:53

      Thanks for your comment Gemma. 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed the post, there’s nothing like a relaxing bath.

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