Star Wars Day Party 2014
Happy Star Wars Day and, of course May the 4th be with you.
If you weren’t aware today is international Star Wars Day, not something I’ve celebrated greatly in the past. Besides wishing my Star Wars fan friends/family a Happy Star Wars Day.
But, this year my dad decided we should watch all 6 films back to back! Because, why not! We’ve never attempted watching them all in one go before and Artur has never seen any of the films! So he needs educating. 😉
I decided to be really geeky and have a Star Wars Day Party with themed food buffet for the occasion – Also my attire was slightly (read: very) Star Wars themed!

Here’s a quick run down on the food we served:
- Wookie Cookies
- Leia Buns
- Vader Veggies
- Carbonite Jelly
- Tie Fighters
- Han Burgers
- Pizza the Hut
- Obi-Wan Kabab-ies
- Sausage Sabers
- Thermal Detonators (scotch eggs)
- Bow-Ba Fett Pasta
- Endorian Chicken
- Jabba’s Barges
- Star Wars cupcakes
- A few non themed items
Along with food labels, which I ended up having to colour in with felt tip pens after running out of yellow printer ink – Opps! I even found a tutorial online, to make Lightsaber styled napkin holders (Thank you Catch My Party)!
As I’m typing (using the WordPress for Android app), we’re currently on episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. 🙂 We decided to watch them in order of release.
While, we’re on the subject of Star Wars. The cast list for Star Wars Episode VII has been announced and Mark Hammil, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, Kenny Baker, Anthony Daniels and Peter Mayhew seem to be reprising their roles! 😀 Nice to hear this.
Side note: My Pinterest feed looked like this, this morning:
Girls Can Like Star Wars too – Chimmyville
June 16, 2020 at 22:07
[…] geeky side. But now I love going to comic con which has become one of my favourite hobbies. I wear Star Wars clothing out and about, celebrate Star Wars day, and even had a Star Wars theme for my 30th birthday […]
May 8, 2014 at 03:06
Haha, this post was made of so much awesome!! I love that you decided to have a Star Wars party. I love your leggings!! I am in awe of all the hard work you put into the party. Wish I could have come 😀 Did you manage to get through all 6 movies??
May 8, 2014 at 09:15
😀 ! Thanks! Yep got through all 6 – started about 11am Sunday and finished about 1:30am Monday morning!
May 4, 2014 at 22:03
I hope that you had a good Star Wars day, and I haven’t seen all of the movies either. I tend to get bored after the 3rd one. 😛 I will probably watch them once I get my desktop fixed…my current laptop won’t let me watch movies, I can barely watch YouTube videos. 🙁 I know that a lot of people are happy that Mark Hammil, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, etc. are reprising their roles. Have they released the plot for it yet?
May 8, 2014 at 09:15
It was great fun, thank you 🙂 No I don’t think they have, yet.