
  • How to Maintain Your Fitness Goals

    AD | Hands up how many of you set fitness goals this year? ✋ … OK, now hands up who hasn’t stuck to them? 🙄 Yep, me too. Even though I started off well with my fitness goals in January and added more yoga and home workouts into my daily routines. I’ve lost track of it recently, which is easily done. We all have so many other commitments to fit…

  • Running Tips for Beginners

    Running can be a great form of cardio but it certainly isn’t easy, especially for a beginner. When I first started my running journey I could barely run 1K without stopping. I was out of breath, wearing my cotton jogging bottoms, an old tired sports bar and, what I like to call, “fashion trainers”. Suffice to say, I quickly learnt the value of a good workout outfit and proper running…

  • Dance your way to a better body * | Guest Post

    AD | If you’re anything like me you find it very difficult to motivate yourself to exercise during the Autumn and Winter months. In the Summer it’s easier – I can go for a walk or a run without worrying too much about rain or cold, but this time of year I’d rather be under a blanket with a good book or watching my favourite Netflix shows. I spoke last…

  • Creating our home gym

    I’ve been working on my daily routines this past year including improve my sleep schedule and morning routine. I have also been making an effort to eat healthier and exercise more. In the Summer months I threw on my work out gear and went for a run around our neighbourhood or made use of outdoor gyms. I also completed my first 5km race and a muddy obstacle race for charity.…

  • Post Race Thoughts From My First Monster Race

    “If you can’t run, walk. If you can’t walk, crawl. If you can’t crawl, find someone to carry you”. – Malcolm Reynolds in Firefly. In July I signed up for the Winter Monster Race in Wiltshire with some of my colleagues, where we raised money for a local children’s charity: Cirencester Opportunity Group who support children with physical and learning disabilities (you can sponsor us here, if you want to).…

  • Wicksteed Fitness Playgrounds and Outdoor Gyms Review

    Some of my colleagues and I have recently signed up for the Monster Race this year, which is a 5km or 10km obstacle course with mud, water and man made obstacles to conquer (we’re signed up for the 10km); I started my training for it at the weekend. Today’s training was interval running followed by yoga, but I also had an impromptu workout in a local park! I warmed up…

  • 5 ways to keep fit without going to the gym.

    I enjoy going to my classes at the gym, but sometimes life gets in the way, I don’t find the time to go or the class gets cancelled – the instructor is away, they can’t get cover etc. In cases like these, I’ll try to exercise at home or around my estate. 1. Wii Fit (or other work out video games) I’ve had a Wii Fit and the Wii Fit…

  • Goals for 2017

    There are a few things I want to accomplish throughout the next year or two, some are things I used to do that I want to get back to and some are new things I want to try. Get back to my goal weight.  I reached my goal weight in September 2012, having started a healthy eating plan in the January. In early 2015 I began comfort eating and put…