weight watchers

  • Dieting vs. Lifestyle Changes

    When I first started my weight loss journey 7 years ago, that’s all it really was to me, trying to lose weight. Trying to lose a certain number by a certain milestone, which I did. But it wasn’t until I started adding other things such as exercise that the weight loss actually stuck. Dieting Vs. Lifestyle Changes If you’ve been following my blog for a while you’ll know that I’m…

  • Small ways to treat yourself

    In my Weight Watchers meeting last week we talked about small ways to treat yourself. This could be when you reach your goal weight or a mini goal such as upping your excercise or drinking more water. Or simply because you deserve it! Of course these were mostly non food related but it got me thinking of ways I could treat myself, because it’s completely OK to do so, and…

  • Upping my water intake with Weight Watchers daily motivation water bottle

    If you’ve been reading my blog for a while you’ll know that I’ve been a member of Weight Watchers since January 2012 and currently volunteer at meetings, helping the coach set up the room, handling cash and card sales etc.  One of the newest products available are these daily water bottles or motivation bottles. They come in blue and a dark pink – I have the blue one myself and…

  • Weight loss and fitness – one month in

    It’s been a nearly a month since I started my new weight loss / healthy eating journey. I started back at Weight Watchers in the first week of January and had my first weight in where I found out I’d put on half a stone over Christmas! Since then I’ve been following the Smart Points plan religiously, only going over my daily points allowance twice. Weight Watchers believe in 80:20,…

  • Goals for 2017

    There are a few things I want to accomplish throughout the next year or two, some are things I used to do that I want to get back to and some are new things I want to try. Get back to my goal weight.  I reached my goal weight in September 2012, having started a healthy eating plan in the January. In early 2015 I began comfort eating and put…

  • 2012 – year in review

    I wanted to write this post before the end of 2012 but having a stomach bug but a damper on that idea, so I’m writing it now (this post was also going to be my goals for 2013 but the post got too long – that post will follow. 🙂 ) I’ve seen a few of my friends blogs review their past year categorised by month and decided to steal…

  • Reaching My Goal Weight with Weight Watchers – I’m a Gold Member

    I’ve been traveling a lot lately mostly to VW shows throughout the UK (so my 2012 travel goals is going well 😉 ) .  But it meant I hadn’t been to a Weight Watchers meeting in 5 weeks or found the time to blog! Tuesday was my first weigh-in since beginning of August. Last post I talked about the goals I set in 2012 and how I was getting on with them.…