Reaching My Goal Weight with Weight Watchers – I’m a Gold Member

I’ve been traveling a lot lately mostly to VW shows throughout the UK (so my 2012 travel goals is going well 😉 ) .  But it meant I hadn’t been to a Weight Watchers meeting in 5 weeks or found the time to blog! Tuesday was my first weigh-in since beginning of August.

Last post I talked about the goals I set in 2012 and how I was getting on with them. One thing I forgot to mention, was I set other goals via Facebook – my partner’s sister set a 2012 challenge to better yourself. One of my goals was to reach my goal weight.

At the end of January I joined weight watchers – I didn’t set out to loose weight, but to eat healthier and be more active. I was inspired to join weight watchers by my mum who is a fellow weight watchers member and also by following Carolynne of Just-Like-Magic’s story of her weight loss.

As of the 12th September I was 4.5 lb’s off of my goal weight 🙂 and have lost 2 stone and 3.5 lb’s in total so far. I feel much healthier.

I went there expecting one award (my 4th silver seven, which you get for every 7 pounds you loose) – which I got but what I didn’t except (although hoped for) was to get GOLD! Gold is the term used when you reach your goal weight with weight watchers and Tuesday night that’s exactly what happened. 🙂

Now I’ve got to gold, I get a certificate, mini gold key and free membership (not that I have to pay any more as I’m a paid helper for my meeting). It also means I only need to go 5 times a year and as long as I keep with 5 pounds either side of my goal weight have free life time membership.

I’m very happy to have reached gold! I feel healthier, look healthier and feel better all round. 🙂


  • Dieting vs. Lifestyle Changes – Chimmyville

    June 13, 2020 at 21:27

    […] it really was to me, trying to lose weight. Trying to lose a certain number by a certain milestone, which I did. But it wasn’t until I started adding other things such as exercise that the weight loss […]

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