Why You Should Date Yourself (+7 Easy Ways to Do It)

When was the last time you did something nice for yourself? A week ago? A month? Longer? Sadly, you’re not the only one… So many of us put the needs of others before our own; whether that’s friends, family members, or even romantic partners.

But the truth is, you should try to make time; because when you date yourself you get the chance to do what you love, boost your self-confidence and gain more independence. You may even learn more about yourself too. So it’s important to try and fit in some ‘me time’ whenever you can.

That said, dating yourself can be hard. You need to be comfortable being alone which can be unnerving when you’re not used to it. Especially when there’s such a high expectation to find “the one”, and if you’re in a room surrounded by other couples, or groups of people, they may pity you for being by yourself.

It’s worth remembering, however, that being alone doesn’t necessarily mean you are lonely. It can be a great way to find out your own needs so that you’re more aware of what you need when you’re with others… So, take some time, date yourself, and find out what makes you… you, with these easy ideas.

7 Easy Ways to Date Yourself

Girl with coffee, coffee date, date yourself

Photo by Christiana Rivers on Unsplash

Spend Some Quality Time Alone

Dating is all about spending quality time with the other person, and, in this case, that person is you. So make sure to set some time aside to enjoy your own company. Sure, you can still go on some group dates with your friends and family, but you should also schedule some time for yourself. Whether that’s time spent reading a chapter of your favourite book, pampering yourself, or getting outside. Take some time out and do whatever you’d like to do.


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