My Favorite Posts From The Past 15 Years of Blogging

The 2nd April 2024 marks 15 years of blogging here on Chimmyville! It’s quite hard to believe I’ve been had my blog for 15 years now. Although, technically I’ve had a personal website since 2005 – but it was more of a place to store my pixel creations and creative writing. It’s certainly changed a lot since then though, and continues to grow and evolve, too. Since 15 years is a huge personal milestone I wanted to celebrate by sharing some of my favourite posts from the past 15 years of blogging with you.

My Favorite Posts From The Past 15 Years of Blogging

World Penguin Day: How You Can Help Our Feathered Friends

Penguins are one of my special interests and I loved dedicating an entire post to these flightless birds.

How We Can Protect Our World’s Oceans | World Oceans Day 2020

Along the same lines of my World Penguin Day post, I wrote about how we can protect our world’s oceans.

Unconventional movies to watch this Valentine’s Day

I’ve actually written three unconventional holiday movie lists on this blog. But this Valentine’s Day list was my first.

Ways to Boost Your Mood During Summer (+ Help with Reverse SAD)

Most people are familiar with the “Winter Blues” or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). But some people aren’t aware low mood can also affect people in the Summer months. This post aimed to help that do experience seasonal depression in Summer.

Moving Back in With Your Parents as An Adult

One of my earlier posts, this was written in 2017 when I was thinking about my options to save for a home deposit.

What My Parents Taught Me About Relationships

This post was written as part of a Valentine’s Day collaboration with other bloggers. It’s a post about the values our parents can teach us.

What have been your favorite posts of mine over the past 15 years? Let me know in the comments below.


  • Karalee

    August 1, 2024 at 08:40

    That is amazing you’ve been blogging for 15 years!! Congratulations!!!
    It is great to see what your favorite posts have been, and I do remember reading some of them. However, there are a few I’ll have to check out!

    1. Kim

      August 1, 2024 at 10:58

      Thank you! 😁 It was nice to look back on some of my favourite posts. I hope you enjoy reading the ones you’ve missed.

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