Mexican Red Knee Tarantula

As you may know I used to own a tarantula, a Chilean rose hair tarantula to be more specific, unfortunately Hermy died Thursday 21st February 2008 and I’ve been unsure whether I want another tarantula.

My favourite breed of tarantula for years now has been the Mexican Red Knee and I’ve been thinking lately about buying one and having another tarantula as a pet – this one would likely be called “Knees”! Haha, unless I come up with anything else in the mean time. Thinking has turned into planning and I’ve managed to source one relatively cheaply from an exotic pet store in a city relatively local to me.

So, do I or don’t I? – Maybe it’s time for a pros and cons list?

Does anyone have any experience with Mexican red knee’s? Or tarantula’s in general besides Chile Rosie’s?

Kim x


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