
  • Star Wars Season at Disneyland Paris | Guest Post

    Having recently visited Disneyland Paris myself for their Marvel season (for my sister’s hen weekend) I was excited when Summer and Ruby contacted me sharing their time at the park during it’s Star Wars season earlier this year. It’s one of my favourite fandoms and I’ll admit I’m a little jealous! Star Wars season at Disneyland Paris Guest post by: Summer and Ruby Our blog Hemingway Sisters is about us…

  • Hen Weekend in Disneyland Paris (Part 1 of 2)

    If you’ve been following me on Twitter or Instagram recently you’ll know that I spent my sister’s hen weekend in Disneyland Paris at the begining of May! 💗🎢🎡 It was a fun packed few days, and I’m happy to report that I checked everything off my Disneyland Paris Bucket List (see ✔ marks); except for Halloween, obviously. We’ve all been having serious post Disney blues since getting back home though……

  • Disneyland Paris Bucket List

    Next week(!) I’ll be hopping on the Eurostar to Disneyland Paris for my sister’s hen weekend! It’s come around so quickly since we booked it back in November, and I’m really looking forward to it. I’ve been to Disneyland a few times before (3 to be exact) but never travelled on the Eurostar; I’ve driven to Disneyland (via the Channel Tunnel) and flown to Paris and caught the Metro, but…

  • Paris Trip – Day 4 – Arc De Triomphe and Notre Dame

    Catch up on Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3 of our trip. Another early start and another trip to the bakery for breakfast, but first we packed our cases and took them to the baggage store at our hotel. There were lockers which were accessed by a key card for a small fee. It was definitely worth it as we would never have carried our cases up the Eiffel Tower.…

  • Paris Trip – Day 3 – Disneyland!

    During my recent trip to Paris (catch up on Day 1 and Day 2) with my friend Kelly, we spent the 3rd day in Disneyland! We had a one day ticket covering both parks – I brought a Lion King vest top and an Eeyore hoody to wear. Lion King vest: Hot Topic, Eeyore hoody: New Look We got on the train early morning and made our way on the…

  • Paris Trip – Day 2 – Catacombs, museums and pretty lights

    Catch up on Day 1 of our Paris trip here! We started off day 2 of our trip with breakfast from the bakery near our hotel and caught the metro to our first destination – The Catacombs of Paris. We arrived just before 11am and there was already a queue forming. We expected to queue as the website advised hour waits were likely during busy periods… 3 hours later(!) we…

  • Paris Trip – Day 1 – Train journeys and the Eiffel Tower

    I have just come back from a long weekend in Paris with my friend Kelly! It was an amazing trip and we got a lot done in the few days we were there, including a trip to Disneyland. You can read about days 2, 3 and 4 here: Day 2 – , Day 3 – Disneyland Paris, Day 4 – . We flew with Easy Jet and stayed in the…

  • Traveling to Paris by motorbike - parked outside Notre Dame

    Travelling to Paris by Motorbike

    This past weekend my boyfriend and I made a last-minute decision to go on a road trip to Paris! And since it was a bank holiday weekend we both had three days to play with. Instead of using my car, we decided travelling to Paris by motorbike would be a great new adventure for us. We started our trip early Friday morning with a 3-hour journey to The Channel Tunnel…