The Gamer Tag

I’ve always loved playing video games ever since I was little, and fondly remember spinning Sonic the Hedgehog through Green Hill Zone, as a child. I also loved “catching ’em all” on Pokémon Yellow, for my Gameboy Colour.

Needless to say my love of video games hasn’t changed much! Thankfully Aaron likes gaming as much as me, so he understands when I get lost in a game, and we often play co-op games together.

So to celebrate our mutual love of gaming, we decided to answer the gamer tag questions together (which I found on Leminz DeviantArt). Since we had so much fun answering the Pokémon tag together last time.

The Gamer Tag

1. What is your all-time favorite video game?

Kim: That’s a hard one! Probably Chaos Bleeds which is a Buffy the Vampire Slayer video game.

Aaron: Command and Concur for PlayStation.

2. What is your current favorite video game?

Kim: Red Dead Redemption 2! I’m obsessed.

Aaron: **Points at screen**

Kim: Same as me then! 😁

3. What is your favorite video game genre?

Aaron: Strategy.

Kim: Action/Adventure.

4. How long have you been playing video games?

Aaron: Since I was 5.

Kim: Since the early 90s. My first gaming system was a Commodore Amiga computer system.

5. What’s the first game you ever played?

Aaron: Fifa or Pro Evolution Soccer.

Kim: Likely James Pond 2 or Superfrog for the Amiga.

6. What game have you clocked the most hours into?

Aaron: Minecraft.

Kim: More than likely Pokémon Red / Yellow for the Gameboy. Or Minecraft!

7. What’s your longest gaming session?

Aaron: 2 days!

Kim: Probably 8 hours, with toilet and food breaks of course.

8. Who is your favorite game developer?

Aaron: Bethesda.

Kim: Sega or Game Freak.

9. Who is your favorite hero character from a game?

Aaron: Kratos from God of War, but he’s more of an anti-hero.

Kim: Lara Croft.

10. Who is your favorite villain?

Aaron: The boss from Fable 2, I can’t remember his name or Dr. Eggman / Robotic from Sonic.

Kim: Jason Voorhees.

11. Who is your most hated character of any game?

Aaron: Tales.

Kim: Kakistos from Chaos Bleeds! It took me ages to beat him.

12. What gaming systems do you own?

Aaron: PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, PlayStation 4.

Kim: I own a Gameboy Colour, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Sega Dreamcast and Sega Megadrive.

13. What was your first game system?

Aaron: PlayStation.

Kim: Amiga followed by the Sega Megadrive.

14. What’s your favorite gaming system and why?

Aaron: PlayStation 4 because it’s got great graphics, a lot of RAM and the controllers are easy to use.

Kim: Same. For the same reasons to be honest. But if we’re talking retro gaming then it has to be the Sega Megadrive.

15. Do you prefer to play guy characters, or girl characters?

Aaron: I don’t have a preference.

Kim: Usually girl characters and I tend to style the avatars to look like me. 😅

16. Do you follow walkthroughs, or do you play through on your own?

Aaron: Play through on my own until I get stuck.

Kim: Same, I play through on my own. Unless I’ve been stuck for weeks then I’ll check for walkthroughs on YouTube.

17. Have you ever been to a gaming convention?

Aaron: No. But I would like too.

Kim: I’ve been to many comic cons which have a gaming section but never a convention deviated solely to gaming, no.

18. What game are you most excited for to come out in the future?

Aaron: Elder Scrolls.

Kim: Death Stranding.

19. What’s your best memory of a video game?

Aaron: Call of Duty 2. I was held up in a church by officers and had to kill them with a sniper rifle. One of the officers was running across from me and I managed to kill him just before ‘game over’, which was a great feeling.

Kim: Finishing Sonic the Hedgehog as a child as it was the first video game I completed in full.

20. What’s your worst memory of a video game?

Aaron: My sister over wrote my Pokémon Yellow save and I was just about to battle the Elite Four! I still haven’t completed the game.

Kim: When Pokémon Red glitched and my sister and I lost all our lvl100 Pokémon, except Zapdos who had been transferred to our Yellow game. We were gutted. 🙁 It still remains the only Pokémon game we’ve completed the Pokédex for.

21. Which video game character do you see yourself as, or if you had to be represented by a video game character, who would it be?

Aaron: Anthony Carmine from Gears of War 2.

Kim: Willow from Chaos Bleeds.

I hope you enjoyed reading our answers to the gamer tag. It was fun to do and we actually learnt a little more about each other doing this one.

I’d like to tag Dee, Emma, Megan and anyone else who likes video games. 🙂 Let me know if you do this one so I can read your answers.


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