The village of Sandford A.K.A. Wells

Ryan and I had the day off together, which is rare as he’s usually working at the weekend, so decided to take a road trip to Cheddar Gorge and on to Wells which is where a lot of Hot Fuzz was filmed. Sandford is the name of the fictional village in the film.

We went to the pub (where they have a pint), the shop to get a cornetto (like they do in the film), saw a swan boat (the film references the villagers having issues with swans), saw the church where a killing happens in the movie, saw the supermarket used in filming and the hotel Simon Pegg’s character stayed at.

After hunting the filming locations we had a look inside the cathedral and I added another pressed penny to my collection.

I was a really fun day out! We’re hoping to go on a Shaun of the Dead tour of London in the future (another Simon Pegg and Nick Frost film).

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